Notes~ Chapter 21

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We walk down the street with our fingers intertwined and I jump when I hear a loud crack of thunder.

"Crap. It's starting to rain." Adam says holding his hand out. "Let's go find a covered area so we can call our parents.

He starts to run as the rain starts to pour down. We spot a little covered bench area where the elementary school is and run under.

"Here I'll call my-" I get cut off by Adam.



"Let's just...stay here. It's nice." He says Walking me over to an open area to exit. "Plus, how many people get to say they've kissed in the rain?"

"I hav-" Just then he picks me up and smashes his lips into mine, while walking out into the rain. I cupped my hands around his face and moved them into his hair and started playing with it. I felt him lift me up bridal style and I felt the dryness of the canopy fall over me. He sat down and pulled away, setting me down in his lap.

"Why do you have to be so perfect?" I ask, putting my head on his shoulder and watching as he looked down at me. He had grown about a foot more since 8th grade and I had grown about 9 inches, So I had to look up at him even more.

"Because you are. I have to live up to you." He smiles.

"No you don' be honest you will always be perfect to me." I reply, readjusting myself so that I can rest my head on his chest.

"This never would have happened if I got that laser eye surgery." He laughs. (oopsies I forgot to say that)

"So you're glad you took off your sunglasses?" I say, smiling.

"Extremely. There's no place I'd rather be right now." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you..." I say sleepily. Why was I so tired

"I love you too." His arms separate from my waist and I whimper, making him laugh. I feel a warm mass fall around my shoulders and determine it's his varsity choir jacket. His arms go around my waist again and that's all I remember before falling asleep.


I feel a vibration in my pocket and wait after about 3 vibrations to pick up the sleek object.

"Hello?" I say as energetic as I can when I just woke up.

"Hey, you wanna go to the movies or something?" Adam says.

"Uh sure. Just gimme 30 minutes." I say, getting up and choosing an outfit.

"Alright, see you then." He hangs up. I start to sluggishly get some make-up and clothes on, realizing that I'm not feeling the best.

I go downstairs and see a note on the table.

I'm going to work, there are some hot pockets in the refrigerator.


Oh that's right, It's my mom's Saturday shift today.

I hear the doorbell ring and open it to a smiling Adam.

"Hey! Are you ready?"

"Uh yeah." I say, trying to be energetic.

"Are you ok?" He says, turning his happy face to concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." I say, smiling a bit and walking toward him. He stops me and puts his hand on my forehead.

"Oohhh no. You're staying here." He replies.

"I'm sure I'm fine, I was just drying my h-" I get cut off by him picking me up bridal style and walking me upstairs.

"You're staying in bed, and I'm taking care of you." He puts me back in my bed and places the covers over me. I sigh and look up at him.

"There's no way I'm changing your mind, is there?"

"Nope. I'll make you some tomato basil soup, Ok?" He says stepping out of the room.

"Thank you." I smile. He always knows what I want. He smiles back and I get comfortable in my bed. I pull out my phone and text Savannah.


Hiiiiii wassup

I'm sieeak

:( wut do you have?

idk. I just feel poopy.

aww. that sux.

Yeah. But Adam is taking care of me :3


oh shush.


XD you're weird.

aren't we all

I see Adam walk in with a bowl and cup filled with a light pink liquid. Pink lemonade.

Well, gtg. Adam made soup.

You two are so cute. Byeeeee

He places the cup on the table next to me and a dish towel on my lap, followed by the soup.

"Thank you." I say, just before lifting the spoon to my mouth.

"No problem. I'll stay with you today until your mom gets home. Is that ok?" He replies, sitting down on my chair next to my bed.

"Mhmm." I say with a mouth full of soup, making him laugh.

"You're too cute." He says, leaning over to me in his chair.

"Even when I'm all sick and gross?" I say.

"Of course." he laughs. I laugh too but just start coughing. Adam gets on his knees next to me and holds my hand. He hands me a pill and the lemonade. "Have this. It's pain and allergy medication."

I take the pill and watch as his eyes follow my hands.

"You should sleep. It will probably help." He says, standing up. "I'll go and-"

"wait..." I interrupt. "Can you stay in here?" I ask softly.


Notes~ A SkyDoesMinecraft FanficWhere stories live. Discover now