Notes~ Chapter 30

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As the light dims and I see the same color of white around me, I look to right.

Adam is conscious and standing next to me.

I gasp and see as he turns to me. His eyes widen and he smiles.

My legs scatter as I run towards him, only to be stopped by an invisible force. I looked at him with a worried face; and he did the same.

"Lilia." I hear a voice come over me, it's loud and intimidating.

"Sven?" I question.

"No. I'm an Entity. Lilia was also an Entity, but designed to help a person in the universe, to which she chose herself. In other words, You."

"what?" I say.

Apparently Adam could hear to, as I looked over to him and saw him with a confused face.

"Allow me to explain. 'Sven' basically you in the after life. This is a dream, but that's the only way I can communicate with you and Adam. I have two choices to make...I can either choose to separate Sven from you and become a different entity...but banish her to spend an eternity on earth...through different lives, and your life restores to a version I choose it to be. Or, I can send her to a paradise afterlife and leave you in this state."

"Well....what will it be?" Adam says.

"You will find out soon enough."

Another blinding light, and I wake up, in my bed.

As soon as I wake up I get up and run outside, towards Adam's house.

About 50 yards away from his house, I see him run out and he spots me. At that point, I'm sprinting.

We collide and hug, both laughing. I start to feel hot tears flow down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey...why are you crying?" Adam laughs-mid sentence.

"I don't know." I laugh/Cry.

"Well stop it." He takes his thumb and wipes a tear from my cheek. "You're getting my shirt wet."

I laugh and quickly wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

At this point, I really didn't care if he wanted to date me again or not. He never kissed back, so I was prepared for the worst.

I pulled away to see his face in a state of true bliss.

"I forgot how good that felt." He says, and I laugh with my hands still cupped around his face.

"So does this mean we again?" I say awkwardly.

"Weeelllll....." He says. I let a small look of disappointment as He looks at me and acts like he's thinking. As I take a breath and get ready to say something he connects my lips into his and I smile. (sound familiar? Check chapter 17 ;D)

I felt true bliss and happiness, my own happy ending.

If only it was an ending.

Oooooooh it's about to get paranormal

as if it wasn't already.

Or do you guys not like paranormal....?

Tell me in the comments, I'm flexible.


Notes~ A SkyDoesMinecraft FanficWhere stories live. Discover now