Chapter Three: The Mutts

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Sombra had woken up earlier than Chrys. The day felt warm as the sun rose to finally end the night. Taking his cloak back while Chrys was still sound asleep, he found a creek where he could get something to quench his thirst. As he started drinking from it, he thought he heard some sort of growling behind him where the forest was. He thought it was just his imagination.... or was it? Some sort of animal kept growling at Sombra, ready to pounce on him. The animals' bright, green eyes with his dark, pine tree colored, slit pupils were camouflaged in the bushes. Suddenly, the animal lunged toward him, barking as loud as he could. Then Sombra grabbed the animal by the ear with his mouth and threw him into the creek, (luckily for the animal it was pretty shallow). Two other animals started lunging toward Sombra as well, though they both tried to fight him at different angles. The smallest one was trying to rip his cloak (or at least tried to make him move), but to no avail. Sombra kicked the filthy animal with his back left hoof, which not only hit him straight in his stomach, but left him flying into the bushes and landing onto Chrys. She woke up instantly, and she found the animal that landed on her limping. Nothing was broken, but it did get the wind knocked out of em'. Yet the animal went back into the fight, but then decided to stay in the sidelines. The tallest animal tried to scratch Sombra with his claws, but he dodged the attack and grabbed the animal's arm with his magic and then threw it onto his back. Chrys then followed the one that fell on her. She saw that his jaw had dropped from surprise and disbelief. Sombra then saw it at the corner of his eye, the animal trying to back away. He was about to paralyze the animal with his magic, then Chrys put a forcefield in front of the animal. Chrys then asked, "What. Is going. On here?". Before Sombra could explain, the other animals got up from where they were defeated and started sniffing Sombra. "Hey, get off!". Sombra growled. Once both Sombra and Chrys saw what they were, they realized they were some sort of weird looking dogs. "Have I..... seen this kind of dog before?". He wondered. The first dog said, "Ya know, I didn't expect em' to be smelling like dry shampoo and cologne!". "And his horn doesn't taste like cherry juice.". Said the tallest dog, who was licking Sombra's horn. Both embarrassed and disgusted, Sombra didn't know what to do except stay as motionless as possible hoping they would eventually leave. Just then the smallest dog started to sniff Chrys and said, "Huh. You look a lot different than I expected, but from seeing you from afar I can't complain.". Chrys felt beyond confused. Then she finally asked, "So.... do you even know who we are?". All three of the dogs looked at her with confused looks. "How do we not??". Said the first one. "Prove it!". Said Sombra, galloping right next to Chrys and feeling complete anger and disgust about those dirty mutts. The first one then said, "Well, obviously you're King Sombra, and she's Queen Chrysalis.". "I thought er' name was Pupa.....". Said the tallest, then the first one put his oversized paw to his face and said, "Seriously, Fido?? We've been talking about her like crazy since she crashed that royal wedding back in Canterlot!". Chrys was then about to ask how they knew about that, but she decided to keep quiet. "Fido...?" Asked Sombra. "Yep!" Fido said, proudly puffing up his chest. Fido then said, "And these are my bros! The shortstack is Spot, and our leader and our oldest bro, is Rover!". Rover said, "Whattup.". Spot said nothing but kept giving Fido the stink eye. He HATED being called short or anything related to that word. "Right. Well....... we'd better get going.". Sombra finally said, hoping to get away from those weirdos. As soon as Sombra started to leave, Chrys grabbed him and said all the good things that would come out of bringing them along. Reluctantly, he let them come, and they were so excited they were squealing. Once they regained themselves, all three of them started asking a bunch of questions; "Is it true that you can turn to shadow and smoke?". "What's your favorite pony to change into?". "Where are your changelings?". "What do you do with crystals? Do you eat them or.... umm, what else do you do with them?". Both Sombra and Chrys thought with a sigh, "This is going to be a LOOONG day!".

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