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It was the most calm and positive day in Equestria. Everyone was happy, even while rebuilding most of Ponyville. Just the day before all three of Equestria's foes had been defeated. Tirek was already back in Tartarus. Sadly, know one knows what happened to Sombra and Chrysalis. Many say they went into hiding, others say they died, not even the royals knew what happened to them! Even though the royals could find them and finally imprison them, they didn't want to. The royals didn't want to know where Sombra and Chrysalis were hiding, they didn't even want think about those.... MONSTERS!!! It just always broke their hearts a little whenever they thought about those two. Thinking that they could've saved them, possibly reform both of them... It just hurt that the royals couldn't save Sombra or Chrysalis. The two sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, were hoping that they were safe and still allies. Even if they were gone, they hoped that both Sombra and Chrysalis were now amongst the stars.

How it came to be. (A Sombra x Chrysalis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now