Alternate Chapter

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Sombra fought as well as he could, but it wasn't enough. Tirek was too strong. Sombra had to keep going, for Chrys! Once he couldn't handle anything else, Chrysalis came, screeching the changeling call. As Tirek ran off from being eaten alive, Chrysalis came to Sombra, who was lying motionless in the ground. As she held him, Sombra managed to flutter his eyes open. He smiled weakly as he tried to speak, "C-Chrys... can you... put a sleeping s-spell on... me p... please?". "Absolutely not Sombra! I'm not going to lose you! Please... don't leave me... us.". Chrysalis said, tears falling down her cheeks. Chrysalis managed to lift his hoof and feel her growing belly. The foal inside her kicked. He smiled, then said, "Chrys... I-I'm not going to die... on you. It's n...not my time. I'm staying strong... f-for both of you.". Chrysalis smiled sadly. She knew he was strong enough to survive despite his injuries, but the sadness was still coming out of her. It wasn't just about Sombra. It was about all the pain she had been through. It was all coming out. She sobbed quietly. Sombra wiped her tears away as she teleported to an old friend of hers: Zecora.

How it came to be. (A Sombra x Chrysalis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now