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This happened while they're on the Humanz world tour.
Set in phase 4
Finally arriving in Tokyo, Japan for their next tour on 28th July 2017 in Niigata. It's 5:00 AM and the band are still asleep after their arrival. 2D has awakened to use the toilet to relieve himself.

After taking a leak, he was heading back to resume his dead sleep. But then stops dead tracks to notice his young Japanese female friend is outside the balcony, looking out the view, and what seems to be smoking a cigarette.

He proceeds to slide the door opens to walk towards her and stand next to her.

"Hey, Noods. Wot're you doing up this early?" 2D asks.

"Don't feel like sleeping anymore. What're you doing up?" It's Noodle's turn to ask.

"Had to use the toilet for a leak. Also, I didn't fink they had those water fountains in the toilets in Japan to drink out of it." 2D explained. Noodle flicked the already finished cancer stick

"Uh, 2D. That's not what it's for!" Noodle said.

"Then wot's it used for?" 2D asks curiously.

Noodle reaches up and whispers in his ear to tell him what it's used for.

"Ew! That's disgusting!" 2D exclaimed while Noodle hides her giggles behind her hands. They both stare out the view from the balcony.

"I forgot how Japan looks beautiful." Noodle spoke softly.

"Noodle? Are you ok?" 2D looks down at her.

"I'm fine. Just, a little homesick." Noodle told him.

"Homesick. How can homes get sick?" 2D said dumbly making Noodle chuckle.

"No, silly. It's when a person has been away too long from where they belong in." Noodle explains.

"Oh, yeah. Well, do you miss your home? In where exactly do you mention you were born in?" 2D asks her.

"Osaka. Sometimes. I mean, I may not have a normal life or never knew what my real parents are like. But it's still to where I have come from. Honestly, if I do live a normal life, I don't know what chances are that I never joined this band?" Noodle said softly.

Even 2D wondered what if Noodle never joined the band. Otherwise, after the Paula Cracker incident in '98, they would've disbanded, and Gorillaz would never exist to this day. Noodle is the heart of this band. This makes the bluenette saddened at what she said at the end of her sentence.

Then he felt a hand on top of his lanky hand, belonging to the young guitarist.

"But, it's ok. I'm happy with how my life is now. I still have Russel, Murdoc, and you. You guys are all I have left in my life." Noodle continued.

This makes 2D smile softly, and he grabs her other hand with his to move away from the balcony and stare down at her beautiful emerald eyes.

"We're glad to have you in our life, Noodle." 2D said to her softly with sincere.

They both embraced together for a second then let go of each other, still had the hands locked. Both gaze at each other until 2D snaps out of this and clear his throat awkwardly.

"We should be getting enough rest before we rehearse this coming Friday." 2D said. Noodle noticed this and release from his hands.

"Um. Yeah. I'm starting to feel a little tired again. See ya, 2D." Noodle said.

"Later, Noodle." 2D replied as they both headed inside and parted ways from each other.

Without noticing, they both smiled softly from each other.
Thanks KittyLovesIvan0106  for giving this idea.

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