Phil Harn

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It was lunch of that day, and Dan was gazing at the Hufflepuff Table. “One day, sweet Phil Harn, you shall fall for me eventually.” He sighed. After years of seeing Lucy give Cissy that look, I knew it was a look of love.

“He will. You're kind generous and loyal, who wouldn't want that?” What came next took me by surprise. Dan hugged me.
“If we're like the Marauders, Sam's Peter, Roy's Remus, I'm James and you're Sirius. We are the Ravenclaw Marauders!” I grinned. That would work.
“Let's call ourselves ‘The Aviators’!” Roy suggested and we all agreed. Who needs the Marauders when the Aviators are flying high above?


Phil x Dan was created for the Phandom's happiness. Totally not starting to ship Roy x Regulus, basically the Aviator's Wolfstar.

~ PoZ

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