Daniel, Royden and Samuel

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Regulus' P.o.V.

I was all alone. No-one I knew was in Ravenclaw. The guy I had sat next to me nudged me.
“Hey, Black. I'm Daniel Abbott, how are you?”
“Umm... hey?” I gazed wistfully at the Gryffindor Table. Siri nodded at me. “I'm new to Ravenclaw. My cousin Andromeda was one, but nobody else.”
“Dan, who're you talking to? Oh, it's Black. I'm Royden Hunter and that guy right next to me is Samuel West.”
I waved my hand. Despite their friendliness, I knew they were just acquaintances. No-one can make friends just by sitting together after the Sorting.

Little did I know, that was only too possible.


“Oi Black!” It was Nott. I was in great danger.
“Hi Nott...” He growled. I knew he was building up a spell.
Just as he yelled “Stupify!”, Dan shot a Protego in front of me, his two friends behind him.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you... I don't know what Black got from our conversation last night, but we liked him. He's our friend. Nobody hurts our friends.

After Nott had fled, I turned to them. “Why did you do that?”
“I wasn't lying, you are our friend.”
“Yeah. We're loyal to you well now. Our loyalty is very important.” Said Roy
“Regulus,” It was the first time Sam had spoken. “us three have always been fighting. Then you came along to unite us, and now we are a four. You're part of the team, wether you like it or not.”


Meet the Ravenclaw Marauders!

Please note: Daniel Abbott, Royden Hunter and Samuel West are MY OC's.

Any Phan shippers here? Yes? Well look out for references next chapter!

~ PoZ

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