Chapter 5: Bella's Questions and Sam's Embarrassment

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I know I have been updating as much as I did with NLTM but I feel like no one really cares about this story except for a few people. I would like to thank @KristiHarris and @irishsnowflakeluv for helping and pushing me to finish this chapter and chapter 6.


~Isabella Swan’s Point of View~

Dark hues of red inflame my cheeks from embarrassment. I rushed over to the blonde I smacked in the back of the head with the volley ball in a clumsily awkward jog.

“Are you alright? I warned them not to make me play.”

“It’s only a flesh wound,” he smirks causing me to shift uncomfortably on my feet. Relief fills my body knowing that I didn’t hurt him and I smile back.

“You’re Isabella, right,” he asks after the bell rings ending my own personal hell that is commonly known as gym.

“Just Bella,” I reply inwardly cringing at the use of my full name.

“I’m Mike Newton.” Before either of us could say anymore Jessica appears between us.

“She’s got a great spike, doesn’t she,” she asks Mike rhetorically before turning to me, “So, you’re from Arizona, right? Aren’t people supposed to be tan down there?”

“That’s why they kicked me out,” I joked awkwardly. But they both laughed nonetheless.

At lunch I followed Jessica and Mike to a table because I didn’t want to sit alone.

“Mike,” you met my home girl Bella,” Eric said sitting next to me.

“Your home girl,” he scoffs teasingly.

“It’s first grade all over again, and you’re the shiny new toy,” Jessica says to me. I smile slightly in return. Suddenly a camera flash startles me and I turn to see Angela.

“Sorry,” she apologized, “needed a candid for the feature.”

“Feature’s dead, Angela. Don’t bring it up again,” Eric enters the conversation before turning to me, “I got your back, baby.” I look down at my tray of food before biting my lip.

“Guess we’ll just run another editorial on teen drinking,” she ignores Eric; disappointment clearly in her voice.

“Sorry,” I say bringing my gaze back up, “There’s always eating disorders, or speedo padding on the swim team.

“Wait, that’s a good one,” she trails off but my attention is pulled to the double doors. Two tall males enter with two females. They move with such grace that for a moment I am envious and they all have looks that would make the Greek Gods cry.

“Who are they,” I asked leaning over to Jessica and Angela.

“The Cullens,” the latter of the two answer. Jessica leans in closer as if she has a big secret to tell me.

“Doctor Cullen’s foster kids; they all moved down here from Alaska two years ago-,”

“They kinda keep to themselves,” Angela interrupts.

“They only keep to themselves because they’re all together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark haired guy, Emmett, they’re thing. I’m not even sure that’s legal.”

“Jess, they’re not actually related,” Angela sighed trying to defend them.

“But they all live together. And the little dark haired girl, Alice, she’s really weird…she’s with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he’s in pain. I mean, Dr. Cullen’s like this foster dad slash match maker.”

“Maybe he’ll adopt me,” Angela joked. I laughed but it trailed off when I saw a tall guy with bronze brown hair; he was obviously a Cullen. I couldn’t help but ogle at him.

“Who’s he,” I asked Jess and Angela with bated breath.

“That’s Edward Cullen,” Jessica answered. I’m starting to think that she loves to indulge in gossip. Edward suddenly looked over, as if he had heard us, his face contorted with confusion and a hint of aggravation. Not liking the prolonged attention and the intensity of his staring I looked away my cheeks a subtle hint of pink.

“He’s totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently no one here is good enough for him. Like I care,” Jessica continued in a tone that made me think she’s already tried… and failed,, “Anyway, don’t waste your time.”

I wasn’t planning on it,” I said before peeking out of curiosity to see if he was looking at me. His unwavering gaze of frustration? I believe was locked on me.

~Sam’s Point of View~

My tanned ears were red from both Hazel’s assault and embarrassment.

“What was that all about,” Jared asked once I slid the back door closed. From the amused smirk on Paul’s face I knew that they had heard every word.

“Nothing,” I lied, “I’m going on patrol.” Kissing Emily’s cheek I left transforming in the backyard without changing my clothes. I ran and ran trying to clear my mind.

“Hazel was right,” I thought sitting at the edge of the river that separated the Cullen’s land from ours; my head was hung in remorse and shame.

~Bella’s Point of View~

That evening I was enjoying getting through dinner with Charlie at the local Diner.

“How was school? Meet anyone,” he asked trying to keep conversation alive.

“A few people,” I paused a beat before continuing, “Do you know the Cullen family?” Charlie’s head snapped up from his steak, “Are people talking about them again?”

“No,” another beat, “Well, a little.”

“Just ‘cause they’re newcomers. We’re lucky to have a surgeon like Dr. Cullen at our Podunk hospital. And his family has been through enough this past year; especially Hazel.”

“Hazel Green,” I asked immediately recognizing the name, “Mom talks about her all the time. Wait you know her?”

“She’s a sweet woman who’s been through far more than she deserved. You know she’s the one who decorated your room.”

“… Okay,” I said not knowing how to respond to the hostility lacing his gruff tone.

“I’m sorry I just don’t like narrow-mindedness.”

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