Rido's ending *Bonus Ending*

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"(Name), who do you love more?" Father asked, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"She isn't going to choose..." All of you turned to the person who spoke. It was Rido. "She is coming back with me."

Kaname and Zero both glared and stood in front of you. They gave Ichiro and Aiya to you. Taking the hint, you ran over to where your 'father' and Yuki stood. Before you knew what has happening, you found yourself in Rido's arms being taken away once again.  "P-Please let me go!" You pleaded, hanging on to your children as they cried, but he ignored you. Swiftly taking you away from the one place you called home. Tears flooded your eyes as you knew you'd never see Kaname or Zero again.

It had been three years since then. Three years.

Rido forcefully took you away from the fathers of your children. Growing up, they thought that Rido was their father. You never had the heart to tell them about their fathers actually were. You would've broken down in tears had the truth came out.

It just made sense, why would you hurt your kids like that. Considering the fact they wouldn't remember them, being just a few months old at the time.

Kaname and Zero have been searching for you ever since. Slowly losing hope to actually find you. Yet, here you are, watching your 3 year old twins playing in the yard of their home, and your prison. Rido stood in the doorway watching them and you.

"(Name), come here." Rido commanded. You nodded your head and silently walked over to him. You knew what he is capable of. And you know that he can protect your children from outsiders and other vampires that could, and possibly would hurt you or them. He looked down and wrapped his arm around your waist, and his hand lifted your chin. He inched his face closer and pressed his lips on yours. As much as you hate it, you have feelings for the vampire in front of you.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Aiya and Ichiro shouted, "come play with us!" You broke the kiss to turn your attention to the kids. A small smile on your face. The tall male intertwined his fingers with yours and walked up to the twins. A smile on his face. Eventually you would be able to escape this horrid life. As it stands right now. You can only dream of a life outside these walls. And as the months began to pass, your dream began to crumble. Succumbing to the love of this sadistic vampire. Letting his passionate embraces overtake you. Making it nearly impossible to tear yourself away from the sweet poison. He made sure you knew your heart would eventually yearn for him, and only him.

You put the twins to sleep and walked out of their rooms and sighed. Rido came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your neck and rested his head on yours. "My dear (Name). It has been three years, and you still stay here with me. I would have thought you would run away with Ichiro and Aiya. Why is that?"

"I... Don't know..." You lied. You honestly felt safe... Here, in Rido's arms. A pureblood, who looked like Kaname, but yet, strangely protective like Zero... You didn't want to understand your newly profund love. Looking at Rido made you think as though, Zero and Kaname were in front of you, teasing your eyes. You still miss them, but you just can't find the courage to leave the lonely vampire. Not anymore. You knew he was lonely. Little by little you both opened up to each other. Yet you would still keep your guard up, only to have him crumble those walls and replace them with sweet love. He did, in a way, save you from becoming something horrid.

A soft sigh left your lips. Glancing up at him studying his soften features, and then to your sleeping children. You turn your attention back at the pureblood and wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his chest. "Maybe I've lost the will to leave you." He chuckled.

"My, my... You wouldn't be able to leave me? Then I must take advantage of this then~" He picks you put and walks to your bedroom. "I'll make you regret staying here."

"I don't think that's possible anymore." You admitted as he carried you away.

~Rido's ending~

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