Part 6

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Zero stopped you and took his hand and brushed your hair away from your neck. He saw fresh puncture wounds.

"He bit you..." He growled. "I can smell his sent on you." He held you tightly. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help you. I should have stayed with you." You placed your cold hands on his pale cheeks.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault... It..." A feeling like you were going to throw up came to you. You looked away, with one hand on your stomach and the other covering your mouth.

"(Name), you okay?" You nodded your head.

"Y-Yeah. I just don't feel good. Let's just get away from here." You two walked to class, as you got closer, you fell to your knees. You were feeling sick. Zero picked you up and took you to the infirmary.

"We need to find out what's wrong." Zero said as he laid you down on the bed closes to the window. The nurse (or whatever you wish to call her) came into the room.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she walked up to you and Zero.

"I want to know what's making her sick." The nurse nodded.

The nurse took her temperature. She gasped. "My dear," she paused, "you're running a fever!"

"(Name), lay down." Zero demanded.

"But Zero, I've already missed class yesterday!" You whined. He glared at you. Causing you to sigh, but gave in.

"Honey," the nurse paused, "you're sick. You shouldn't be moving around."

"Yes ma'am." You mumbled and laid down on one of the empty beds.

The day's passed, Yuki and Zero saw the changes in you. Kaname was right... You were turning into a vampire... Zero hated Kaname even more than he already did. If that was possible.

The life of a vampire is not for your happy-go-lucky and postitive out-look. To be honest, even Kaname regretted turning you into a monster of the night.

You being a newborn, you were super sensitive to the sun. And couldn't see your Day Class friends anymore.  Though you knew what was happening. Since Headmaster Cross declared your permanent class change. You really couldn't stay mad at Kaname. You tried your best to avoid him the past couple of days... And eventually it had been a couple of weeks.

And to make matters worse! You had been feeling morning sickness! Great, what else could go wrong for you?!

You told Yuki about it and being the worrying girl she was. She took you back towards the infirmary.

"Oh dear..." The nurse gasped, then a small, wry smile formed on her cheeks. "Well... It looks like you're pregnant, dear." She gave you a concerned expression. Taking in your young age. And now you find yourself carrying a baby. Your eyes widened.

"T-That can't b-be." You said.

"Do you want to get rid of the baby?" The nurse gasped, covering her mouth in fear. You closed your eyes and placed your hands on your stomach. You shook your head.

"No... I don't, I will not the baby... I will be a good mother for this child. I would never take away their chances to live." You smile weakly.

The nurse smiled. "I'm sure you would make a great mother, dear."

"Now the only thing to do is to tell Zero... And Kaname." You sighed.

"Do you really think that's a good idea right now?" Yuki asked placing her hand on your trembling shoulders. You glanced up at her with tears streaming down your face.

"What else am I supposed to do? I can't hide it from them." You cried softly.

Yuki's eyes started to blur from the tears swelling up in her eyes. She didn't like seeing one of her best friends so distraught. She gently wrapped her arms around her. "We'll get through this... For now, I'll tell father about it. And we'll leave it that way. Until you're ready."

"Thank you Yuki." You mumbled. Hugging her back.

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