Request- In love with a Doppleganger

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Spoilers for Season 2 Episode 15 "A Problem of Memory"

Requested by Apapudy

Addison's POV

Sebastian and I were walking through the park hand in hand. I was wearing my favourite pair of black leather pants on with a black tank top and my leather jacket. I left my platinum blonde hair down as it hung down to my armpit.
We had been walking for about 20 minutes when Sebastian got a phone call. He excused himself to answer it and walked a few feet away from me so I couldn't hear was he was talking about over the phone. After he hung up he walked back over to me.
"I'm so sorry Addy, but I have to go." He told me.
"Oh okay. Just be careful." I said to him. I kissed his cheek before he ran off to do whatever he needed to do.

Time Skip

I was walking around the Institite grounds when I noticed someone dragging themselves on the ground. The person looked injured so I started to rush over to them. As i got closer I realized it was Sebastian. I started to sprint to him. I was about 20 feet away from him when I saw someone pick him up and stab him with a seraph blade. I glanced up to the face of the person who just killed my boyfriend and it was Sebastian, my boyfriend.
"What the hell?" I thought to myself. "Sebastian killed Sebastian?" My head was filled with different questions but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a gasp. Killer Sebastian looked up and saw me. His eyes went wide but he didn't have any time to say or do anything because I took off. I ran all the way back into the Institute and into my room. I locked the door and hid in my room until I fell asleep.

Time Skip

When I woke up I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Sebastian sitting on my bed with his hand on my back. He was awake and when he saw that I was awake he took his hand off my back. I jumped off my bed and ran to the door. I tried to open it but I couldn't.
"Let me out" I said to Sebastian. To say I was scared was an understatement. I had no weapons to defend myself. I could use my hand to hand combat skills but it wouldn't do much good seeing as he had a seraph blade and other knifes.
"Addy please listen to me" he started to say before I cut him off.
"Only my friends call me Addy. I can't trust you anymore. I don't even knkw what your real name is. You're not Sebastian. You are just a doppleganger." I said
"I admit that I'm not the real Sebastian Verlac but you still fell in love with me." Fake Sebastian tried to explain.
"Let me out now before I scream and the others come to get me" I threatened.
"I'm afraid I can't let you go." He said as he walked up to me and threw me across the room. I hit my head on my dresser, knocking me out.

Time Skip

I woke up in a dark room. I looked around and it looked like I was in some sort of basement. I see "Sebastian" standing in the middle of the room looking the opposite way of me. I try to get my restraints off so I can get out if here.
All of a sudden a portal opens and Duncan walks through with Valentine. My eyes widen as I rush to get my restraints off. I need to get the hell out of here. I hear Duncan and "Sebastian" talk about some deal and as I look over I see as "Sebastian" kills Duncan. He then walks over to Valentine.
"What do you want with me?" Valentine asks him. "Sebastian" doesn't answer him. He shapeshifts back to his own form and you see that his real self has been burnt and is now all red with some black spots. I internally scream at the sight of him. He looks up at Valentine.
"Father" he whispers.

"Oh my fucking angel!! I have been dating Jonathan Morgenstern this entire time!" I yelled at myself

I hope you liked it. Thank you to Apapudy for requesting this.

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