Request-Virual Nightmares

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Request for Neveen_Peepeekoot

You were having a really good time playing on your virtual reality headset. You were currently playing a really scary game but it was around noon, so you thought you would be able to forget about it before bed. You were running around the Institute because you were being chased in the game, when you ran right into something. You put your hands up and felt what you just ran into. All you felt was muscles. You then heard laughter.

"Neveen, what are you doing?" the person asked. You realized the voice was Alec's. You paused your game and took the headset off.

"I'm playing on my virtual headset." You told him like it was obvious. Your boyfriend just laughed again.

"Then why are you running around the Institute?" he asked you.

"I was running from the bad guys. I thought it was obvious." You said smiling.

"Not really. Just be safe. And next time you run into someone, don't go feeling them up." He teased you. Your face flushed red and you hid your face in your hands. Alec laughed again and kissed your head and walked back to the main area of the institute.

Time Skip

You had played your game for 10 hours and now it was pitch black outside. You were laying in bed trying to sleep but you couldn't due to the fact that all the scary images from the game kept popping in your head. Normally Alec would be right next to you in your bed but he was dealing with something. You sat up and grabbed a book to try and calm down but that didn't work, because all you could think about was the scary game. You put the book down and sat in your bed for about an hour and Alec still wasn't there, so you decided to go find him. You got out of bed and walked to the door. As you were walking down the halls a few other Shadowhunters checked you out because all you wearing was one of Alec's t-shirts and underwear. You ignored them and kept looking for Alec. You found him talking to Jace in the main area. You walked up to them and Jace noticed you first.

"Hey Neveen, looking good." Jace said earning him a light punch to the shoulder from Alec.

"Hey babe, what are you doing out of bed?" Alec asked with a sympathetic smile.

"Well, you know that game I was playing earlier?" you asked. Alec just nodded. "Well, I played for a little too long and now I am scared to go to sleep." You admitted. Alec just laughed a little and picked you up.

"Maybe you shouldn't play those games anymore." He said as he carried you to your room. You just snuggled into his chest. When he reached your guys bedroom he placed you on the bed before changing into his sweatpants. He crawls into the bed next to you and he kisses your lips gently.

"Don't worry about that game, I'm here to protect you baby." Alec told you as you cuddled with him and fell asleep thinking of how lucky you were to have Alec Lightwood as your boyfriend.

I hope you liked it. Another reminder that requests are still open. :)

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