Your Favourite Thing about him (facial)

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Your favourite thing about Jace is his eyes. You love how they are blue and golden at the same time. You love how when the light hits his eyes just right, they look like they glow.


Your favourite thing about Alec is his smile. It is very rare for Alec to smile, that's why you cherish it so much. You love when he shows off his perfect white teeth and you just love it when he is happy in general.


Your favourite thing about Simon is his cute little nose. You love when he scrunches up his nose just to make you smile because he knows that you love his nose. You like to kiss his nose a lot.


Your favourite thing about Magnus is his cat eyes. You love them so much just becasue it is part of who he really is. His cat eyes are his warlock mark and you love them even more because of that.


Your favourite thing about Raphael is his mouth. You loved his soft lips, his beautiful white teeth, his vampire fangs, and even his tongue (but mostly just when you guys are making out). You love kissing Raphael on the lips and sometimes just running your finger over his lips.


Your favourite thing about Sebastian is his hair. You love to run your fingers through it when you are kissing him. You constantly play with his hair and he always gets "upset" and he says "You are messing up my hair babe." You ignore his comment and continue to play with his hair because you know he secretly loves it.

I hoped you liked it. Please remember to vote on what kind of Imagines/Preferences book you want me to start. I am wanting to write a few different books just so there are more of what people like. That is another reason why I am asking you guys to vote, so you have a say in what kind of book I start. I want you guys to be able to enjoy it. Thanks again guys. Luv Ya

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