Who They Are Jealous Of

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Jace got jealous of a lot of guys. Any guy that looked at you the wrong way, Jace got jealous of. A lot of guys looked at you because you were beautiful. Jace loved that you were beautiful but hated that other guys noticed how beautiful you were as well.

You and Jace had to go to a downworlder club to talk to a warlock who had some information about a demon you were hunting. You had a cute long sleeve black dress on that reached mid-thigh with some knee high boots. Jace couldn't keep his eyes off you but neither could a lot of guys at the club. After you got the information you needed, you and Jace were about to leave when Jace saw that there were about 12 vampires checking you out. Jace clenched his fists and walked up to the group of guys. You tried to pull him away so you could go back to the Institute, but once Jace sets his mind to something, it gets done.

"Hey, you mind not looking at my girl that way?" Jace said in an angry tone.

"Piss off Shadowhunter. There's no harm in looking." the biggest vamp replied, making himself look as big as possible. He had about 3 inches on Jace and he wasn't the thinnest vampire you had seen, he was far from it.

"Well someone is gonna get hurt if you keep looking at her that way." Jace threatened

"Jace, lets just go. There's no point in fighting them." You tried to reason with him

"Looks like the lady doesn't like what you are doing Jackass, maybe she would like it better with us." the big vamp said grabbing your arm and pulling you into the group of vampires. That's when Jace lost it. He punched the big vampire in the face and then went after some of the other ones. While Jace was fighting the vamps on the outside of the group you were in, you were fighting the ones on the inside. When all the vamps were finally down Jace ran up to you.

"See what happens when you get jealous?" you said in an "I told you so" voice.

"Yeah, yeah. You just love being right don't you?" Jace responded, putting his hand around your waist, leading you out of the club.

"Yep. And I also love you, Wayland" you told him kissing his cheek.

"I love you too babe."


Since you were a warlock, you spent a lot of time at Magnus Bane's apartment. Another downworlder who spent a lot of time at Magnus' was Raphael and since he was your best friend, you spent quite a bit of time with him. This made your boyfriend jealous. Alec didn't get jealous that often around you, so you didn't know what he was like when he was jealous. You didn't know if he got sad, angry, or both.

You and Raph were hanging out together one day at Magnus' when Alec came over to surprise you. Alec had told you earlier that he was busy all day with missions but when one of his missions were cancelled he went straight to Magnus' to find you. He knocked on the door and Raphael opened it.

"Oh, hey Raphael. Is y/n here?" Alec asked.

"Yeah. She's in the living room." Raphael said moving to the side to let Alec into the apartment. Alec saw you on the couch and smiled. When you saw him you got off the couch and jumped into his arms.

"Alec! I thought you had missions all day" you said hugging him tightly

"I was supposed to but some of them got cancelled so I decided to come see my beautiful girlfriend." Alec responded pulling away from the hug but still holding you up.

"You are the sweetest." you said kissing his lips lightly. You pulled apart shortly after because Raphael cleared his throat quite loudly. Alec glared at the vampire.

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