:-)Tea Time...Mad hater style

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Both girls Pov.

Mira -" You're late for tea!" Mira throws a cup at Elizabeth who is standing on the table.

Elizabeth-" Clean cup bitch! No clean cups! Tea Tea Tea!"

Mira jumps over the table and tackles Elizabeth to the ground. Elizabeth pushes her off and runs to the table then eats  nacho.

Mira-"Get back here rabbit!!!!"

Elizabeth shifts into a large white rabbit.

Elizabeth-"Now YOU are late for tea!"

Mira runs after Elizabeth throwing tea cups at her. She jumps and then grabs her legs.

Elizabeth-"Let go you over sized weirdo!"

Mira shifts into a cat hissing at Elizabeth in her rabbit form.


Elizabeth starts screaming and runs to the front door. She shifts back to.human and throws open the door. She then grabs Mira and throws her outside.

Elizabeth-"Take that you loof."

Hunter-"Uh whatcha girls doing?"



Hehe. Mad hater Is my fav!!!! :-)

Sorry that its short

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