7. Best Birthday Ever (1-2)

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Justin & I have been really close friends for about a year now, when we met at a club in Miami last year. Today was my birthday, and everyone but Justin had wished me happy birthday. I was upset, a little worried and I couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't said anything. I called my best friend to see if she had any idea why he hadn't and she had no idea, so I was worried sick.

I was sitting in my bed waiting for at least a text when my phone buzzed. I quickly picked it up to see it was only a text from my best friend telling me to be ready in an hour, that she was picking me up to go clubbing. I wanted to, but I wanted Justin to be with me. If you haven't gathered by now, I have a big crush on Justin. I have ever since we met, but he never showed any sign of liking me in that way, so I've just kept it secret.

I got up and quickly got ready, before posting a selfie on shots. "Ready for birthday clubbing with my best friends! ladies night. 💕" I sort of meant it in a shady way to Justin, I was honestly pissed off at him and was convinced that he forgot. Which tore me apart. About 5 minutes later, my best friend showed up and I hopped in the car with her. We drove towards the club before we drove past it and I quickly interrupted. "Hey! We missed it!" She shrugged and kept driving. "Guess we're off to the other one downtown!" I looked out the window confused, wondering why she decided to pass by her absolute favorite club.

Soon after we arrived at a big building that looked like a storage closet, and I didn't see any cars. "Um, what is this!?" I asked, panicking at this point. "It's a new club. Tonight, we get it all to ourselves." she said before grabbing her purse and getting out of the car. I sat there dumbfounded for a minute before I shrugged and got out. We walked inside and it was pitch black. "Guys-" "SURPRISE!!!" The lights came on and all my friends and family were there, but Justin. I was so heartbroken, all I wanted to do was cry. A couple of seconds later a pair of hands covered my eyes and someone said "Guess who?" my heart skipped a beat and my day was officially made. "Justin! I quickly turned around and engulfed him in a hug. "Happy birthday, babe." I looked at him shocked because he had never called me babe before. "I thought you forgot." He only chuckled and shook his head. "I could never forget your birthday, Y/N. You're.. uh um.. very important to me." I blushed and looked at the ground. "Aw, well thank you."

We started dancing, singing, eating, and I was having the time of my life. Towards the end I was slow dancing with Justin, and he took my hand and dragged me to the back near the bathrooms.

"We need to talk."


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