Part 26

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The breeze blew my hair back as I tried throwing a frisbee to Jihoo. Jihoo jumped up and caught the disk with ease. He threw the frisbee back to me and the disk glided past me and hit the sand. "Cho~ that was a perfect throw, you should've caught that" Jihoo remarked. "Yah! Some people aren't that coordinated" I retorted and threw the disk. The wind hit it just right and it carried towards Woobin and Mia who were sharing a smoothie. "Yah Mia look out!" I called out to her. Woobin was about to catch it when Mia caught the disk, not even looking at it. Woobin asked Mia something and she replied but I couldn't really tell what they were saying. I jogged over to them. "Are you alright? The wind took the disk...." I started. "It's fine, none of us are hurt, and it wasn't your fault, you have nothing to apologize for" Mia cut me off while handing me the frisbee. I just simply nodded before making my way back to Jihoo. "I'm sad today is our last day here" I admitted looking out to the water. "Yeah, this place is nice.... We need to come here again, and bring grandfather" Jihoo smiled at me. "We should, he'd love it here" Jihoo's hand grasped mine. "Everyone, let's start to get ready, we have to leave at 7" Junpyo announced. "That gives us two hours, let's go" I smiled and pulled Jihoo with me towards our cabin.

After flying home, getting to our house, and unpacking, the time was almost 1 am. My body gave up as soon as I made it to the bed, I collapsed on it. "So.....sleepy" I mumbled into my pillow. "Then go to sleep Cho"  Jihoo chuckled while stroking my hair. I yawned and pulled a blanket over me. "If you turn off the light, I can fall asleep." I groaned. I felt Jihoo's weight lift off the bed and the light turned off soon after.

Since we still had one more day off to gain energy back for work, Jihoo and I decided to go out and do whatever felt fun. "Sunbae, there's a mall! Can we go?" I asked him pointing out the massive building of stores. "I don't see why not, let's go" he smiled and pulled me with him. A smile grew on my face as I looked at all sorts of different stores. I picked up a teddy bear with brown fur and a white suit. "Jihoo! It's you!" I smiled and held it up to him. He chuckled and admired the bear. "Cute" he smiled. I took the bear from his grasp and bought it. "There now I have a mini you" I giggled as I walked to Jihoo and grabbed his hand. "Indeed you do" the sound of my phone interrupted our conversation. I fished the small device out of my purse and answered it. "U-unnie...... Can you keep a secret?" Mia sniffled on the other end of the line. "Of course, why are you crying?" I asked concerned. My eyes veered up to Jihoo and he nodded.

"So Woobin is the son of your fathers enemy?" I asked confirming what all she told me. "Yes.... And I feel like he betrayed my trust and he was just using me to get close to my father" Mia sobbed. "Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner? About your dad and Woobin?" I rubbed her back as she let her feelings out. "Because everyone I end up telling dies because of me, I thought if I didn't tell anyone that you all would be safe.... I was putting myself in more pain that way" her voice broke. "Mia..." My arms wrapped around her and held her to me. "It's alright..... I promise Woobin isn't the kind of guy to betray anyone.... " I said before releasing her. "I can't believe I fell for him Cho.... I hate him! I hate everything about him!" Her anger showed. I checked the time on her clock on the wall. "Mia, it's late... We both have to work tomorrow, just try to stay strong... Fighting!" I tried encouraging her and I held my fist up. She sniffled and nodded while holding up her own fist. I stood up and smiled at her hopefully. "I'll see you whenever I can" I said before walking out of her house. "Is she any better?" Gaeul stopped me on the way down the driveway. "No.... But maybe she will stop crying before she makes herself dehydrated." I said before getting in Jihoo's car and him driving away.

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