Kyo Sohma! ~Fruit Baskets~

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*Fade in on the stage, Tamaki no where in sight, but the recorded applause plays anyways*

Tamaki: *Runs on stage, napkins tucked into the collar of his shirt. He sits in his chair behind the desk, pulling them out.* Sorry, folks! *Laughs* My makeup artist was running a little behind!

*Camera pans over to a blank faced Mori-sempai, holding lipstick and a powder brush. Recorded laughter*

Tamaki: *Camera swings back to him* Welcome to the newest hit show, TAMAKI LIVE! Our guest today is everyone's favorite shape-shifting hot-head, Kyo Sohma! *Recorded applause*

*Camera zooms in on the empty couch across from Tama-chan*

  Tamaki: *Sweat drop* Um, he's running a bit late, so for right now, why don't we- *Tamaki is cut off by recorded applause* I didn't say anything yet... *Recorded gasps* What the heck is going on back there?!

2 anonomous voices in unison: Sorry boss! *Recorded laughter* There, now we've got it!

Tamaki: *Sighs*

*A rather agitated Kyo stomps onto the stage, grabbing Tamaki by the shirt and yanking him out of his chair, their faces inches apart*

Kyo: Listen here you little prick! You go over my head again and I will end you!

Tamaki: *sweat drops, but laughs like nothing is wrong* All I did was request that young Tohru send you to visit with us today, I knew she wore the pants in the relationship and-

Kyo: WHAT?! Number one, I wear the pants! Number two, THERE IS NO RELATIONSHIP! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS! *Recorded laugh. He turns to face the camera, as if it is the audience.* WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?! *More recorded laughter*

*Kyo throws him back into his chair and Tamaki smiles*

Tama-chan: You're just as ill-tempered as our guest last week! So defensive of your true feelings, it's truly beautiful! *Recorded claps of agreement*

Kyo: *Blushes, his eyebrow twitching wildly* Shutup! *He runs off the stage, his hands balled into fists* I gotta go punch something!

Tamaki: *Laughs, obviously relieved at the lack of tension* Well, my friends, I believe that was enough excitement for now! We'll see you next time, here on, TAMAKI LIVE!

*Fades to black, credits roll*

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