Chapter 30: Decision and a Date

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"I'm staying with you." She said, grinning at him.

There was no change in his state. But suddenly, he raised up his head and turned to her.

"But...but.... you'll never be able to join the troupe again." He said to her.

She smiled. "I don't care. I'm staying with you." She said.

His eyes welled up with tears. He slowly got up and hugged her.

"Thank you...." he whispered, burying his face into her hair.

Time skip

The next day, Ruby woke up before Chrollo, so instead of forcing him to get up, she just went downstairs and started rewatching Naruto while she was waiting. She didn't even realize that she fell asleep, until she woke up when she felt cold water getting poured over her.

"Get up, jackass." Chrollo said, holding the dripping cup. "You're making breakfast today." She rolled her eyes.

"I hope you like cold toast." She said, grinning.

"No, I like eggs. Any style." He said, sitting down at the kitchen table and smirking.

Still dripping wet, she headed over to the fridge and got out eggs.

Time skip

After breakfast and showering, (no, not together. Not yet.) the two sat on the couch, watching Scott Pilgrim VS the World. Ruby decided to ask the question that was in her mind.

"Hey, Chrollo." She said.

"Yeah, butterfly?"

"When are you going back with everyone else?" She asked.

He sighed. "Tomorrow. I'm going to hate it, though."

She nodded and looked down. He sighed again.

"You know what? Let's make the most of our last day together. We're going out in a date." He said, looking over at her.

She smiled. "That sounds nice. What will we do?" She asked, picking at her nails.

"Well, there's this new restaurant in town. Maybe we could go there. But, women have to wear dresses." He said.

"I can work something out." She said, smiling to herself.

Time skip (sorry, I'm lazy today)

"Why do women take so long?" Chrollo thought to himself, readjusting his headband for the hundredth time. "Hurry up!" He yelled up to her.

"Sorry, sorry." She said, walking down the stairs. Chrollo was about to tell her off, but suddenly stopped when he saw how she looked.

She was dressed in a black dress covered with a pattern of blue butterflies. Her hair was curled, and she had on fishnet leggings and black shoes. Her makeup was done perfectly.

"Wh-where did you get the dress?" He asked when he finally composed himself.

"In the closet in my room. It was already in there. I saw it and knew that it was the one." She said with a small giggle.

"Well, it suits you nicely. Let's go. Reservations are for 5:30." He said, taking her hand. Ruby blushed at his gentlemanliness.

Time skip

"Cancelled?! What do you mean cancelled?! I made this reservation 3 days ago!" Chrollo screamed at the hostess, pounding the table in frustration.

"I'm sorry.... someone changed their reservation for your time. They held theirs for a month. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait." The hostess said, trying to stop herself from yelling at him.

"Well fuck that! We'll be going elsewhere.  One on, Butterfly." Chrollo plainly stated, grabbing Ruby's hand and leading her out of the restaurant. Once they were out, Chrollo sighed and slumped against the wall.

"I'm sorry for ruining our date..." he said.

"Don't worry about it! Let's go somewhere else. Hey, I have an idea." Ruby said, grabbing Chrollo's arm. He smiled and blushed at her actions.

Small time skip

Ruby led Chrollo a couple of blocks down to a deserted park. Ruby sat in the swing next to him and looked up and the stars.

They sat in silence for a bit, until Chrollo broke it.

"Why do you love me?" He asked, looking at the city lights in front of him.

Ruby was shocked by his question. "Wh-why do you ask?" She stuttered, staring at him in shock.

"I'm a heartless thief who abandoned all feelings. I only make friends to kill them, and I'm the leader of an organization of murderers. Why do you love me?" He said with a blank expression on his face.

"Well let's see. You're adorable, loyal to the troupe, the perfect amount of dorky, intelligent, secretly loving, watchful, and a good strategist and fighter. You're everything I want to be." Ruby said, taking his hand. He blushed.

"Thanks..." he shyly. He looked down at his lap.  Ruby couldn't help but pull him into a kiss.

Once they pulled away, he sighed and looked at her lovingly.

"I think that's enough for today. Let's head back." He said.

"We can share a bed." Ruby said back.

Sweet mother of Feitan, author-chan finally updated!


I've been too busy with this hell on earth called school. And after school activities and theatre...

But, I'm off to Disney World! That means more bored airplane updates for you guys!

Alright, one more thing....

One more chapter and this book's finished!!

Stay tuned for the conclusion!

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