Chapter 6: Electric Sparks

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After that strange encounter with Chrollo, Ruby walked to an empty room in the hideout. She spread dirt and debris off of a flat stone and dumped the contents of her bag on the "table". She set a timer for one hour and pulled out her needle and thread.

"Wait! One final touch." Ruby said, pulling out her phone. She opened Spotify and put in her playlist.

"Let's get down to business." Ruby said, picking up a piece of flesh off the table and searched for another one that would fit.

She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even notice that someone was watching her as she sewed.

"Hey. That looks so interesting." A familiar voice said, walking over to her.

"Hey Phinks. Yeah. It's really interesting." Ruby said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Phinks said nothing. Just walked over to her and watched. Ruby was a little embarrassed, but didn't mind. He wasn't doing anything wrong. He even didn't mind her bad singing along with her playlist.

"Aaaaaand... Done!" Ruby said, pulling the neat stitches along the doll. "One more thing." She pulled out a spool of black yarn and fashioned her doll a head of hair that looked just like Nobunaga's. She smiled.

"Wanna see him dance?" She asked, pulling a toothpick out of her pocket.

"Do you have to ask?" Phinks said, grinning.

Ruby conjured her Nen into a heart shape. She placed it on the doll, and pointed her finger at him, releasing a Nen string toward her baby. It jerkily stood up, grabbing the toothpick.

The baby spun around, twirling the toothpick like a sword. She made him to flips and leaps. When she was done, she made him bow.

"When I fashion a baby, it takes on the skill and personality of who I made it out of. Cool, right?!" Ruby said, putting her creation in her bag. Suddenly, her timer went off. One hour already? She bid Phinks goodbye and walked over to Chrollo's room, slowly knocking on the door.

"Shit! One hour already! It certainly didn't feel like it! Give me 5 minutes. I'll be ready, I swear." A voice behind the door frantically said.

Ruby giggled. She knew this man only acted tough around his friends. The door flew open to reveal Chrollo with a black and gold turtleneck underneath his coat.

"Enjoy the book? Ruby asked, tilting her head and smirking."

"Are you kidding me?! I love it! I need to read more of his works. He added.

"Glad you like it. It's one of my favorite books." Ruby said, placing a hand on his arm. Chrollo just stared at it. It was like electric sparks flowing into his arm. He looked up at her. He never really noticed how pretty she was. The way her hair framed her face, how it never stayed put. He never noticed the small dimple in the corner of her mouth that was amplified when she smiled. He never realized how pretty and intelligent her glasses made her look. He never noticed how amazingly pretty her eyes were. She was perfect!

"Uh... Hello?! Earth to Chrollo?! You there? Ruby asked, taking her arm off his shoulder.

"I never realized how pretty your eyes were. I like the color." He said, looking away.

Ruby was stunned. "He likes my eyes?" She thought, touching her face. "Nobody's ever commented on my eyes before. Meh, he's probably just kidding."

"Better peel off that tattoo." He said, pointing at the spider on her leg. Ruby snapped out of her daze and peeled it off and pushed it in her pocket.

"Let's go. I only need to pick up more babies, some new pants, and some books." She said, unconsciously taking his hand and pulling him along, not noticing the bright red blush on his face. The electronic c sparks Chrollo felt before came right back.

"We're going to be gone for a while. Don't worry." Chrollo said, barely regaining his composure.

"That girl's holding my hand. Crap. Can she see me blush? I hope not. That would ruin what little relationship we've got. I'll try to get to know her better on our way there." Chrollo thought, looking at their clasped hands. Ruby was thinking similar things herself.

"So. What was your life like before I met you?" Asked Chrollo, hating the awkward silence between them.

"I don't have much money or many friends. I was a scavenger, living in whatever I found in the outskirts of Yorknew. Then you came along. Things are like looking up! Ruby grinned and looked over at Chrollo. "What was your life like?"

"Um... Secret." Chrollo said, looking away. Ruby glared at him and pulled her handout if his.

"So be it." She said, folding her arms. Chrollo longed to grab her hand again, but held back.

"Hey, can you explain the plan t lines of some of your favorite books?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, of course!" She said, smiling brightly.

As she began excitedly telling him the plot of Harry Potter, Chrollo stared at Ruby the entire time. "I want her to touch me again."

That was only the beginning of the love story between two assassins.

I'm so sorry for the length and bad quality. But 2 chapters in a day!?

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