Chapter 4: Butterfly

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Alright everyone, this will be pre-kurta clan (no Hisoka, Bonelov, Korotopi or Shizuku, and Omakage will still be in the Troupe) just FYI! If you're confused, it's on the Hunterpedia website. You'll see a picture of the pre-Kurta Clan Troupe.

Ruby looked down at the dead body of her foe at her feet. "Bleh.." She said, lifting her shoe to try to get the excess blood off. "There go these shoes."

Oh well. I hate these shoes anyway. But, on more important matters, I need new babies! He'll do nicely." She said to herself, crouching down to hack off anything she could salvage.

When her bag was full of limbs, she prepared to go back to her apartment. Then, she heard a quiet rustle, and saw a quick flash of movement. She whirled around to barely see a tuft of pink... something rush out of sight. Ruby activated Gyo and quickly followed.

She followed the figure for a very long time, navigating through twists and turns, broken buildings and dead trees. The figure never tired, and neither did Ruby. Suddenly, the figure stopped, and entered a dilapidated building. Ruby slowly followed suit.

"WHAT?! HE GOT DEFEATED BY A PUNY LITTLE GIRL?!" an obnoxious voice suddenly called out from inside, making Ruby jump a little.

"Quiet down, Uvo. She actually was pretty good. I watched the whole thing. She could be valuable to us." A softer, quieter, yet firmer voice stated. Ruby took a deep breath. "Now or never..." she thought "Time to meet the Phantom Troupe..."

Ruby quietly padded into the run-down building and softly cleared her throat, causing 8 heads to turn her way. "H-hi..." She said

"Crap! I stuttered! What a way to introduce myself...." Ruby thought.

"Well! Isn't she a cutie! Can we keep her, boss!" A blond haired woman who clearly wasn't afraid to strut her stuff loudly said.

"Well, we'll have to test her abilities. She could be a great addition." A husky voice said from a shadowy corner.

"Goddammit! get out of the corner and look at the girl. You might like her." Said a short, black-haired man.

The boss sighed and walked out of his little corner, carrying a huge book.

Plum purple eyes met slate grey ones.

Ruby almost fell over in surprise. It was the man from the picture. She took him all in. Everything from the tattoo on his forehead to his fuzzy coat all down to his huge black boots. She wasn't paying any attention, but he was staring right back at her.

"Hey! Stop staring at her and talk! That ain't getting you nowhere! Hey, what's your name, cutie!" said a very tall, muscular guy in a tank.

"Ruby. Ruby Dragonfly." she said.

"Ruby..." the man from the picture said. "That doesn't fit you. You need a nickname." He looked at the blue butterfly pattern on her tie. "I'll call you butterfly. Yes, that should fit. So, what is your ability?"

Everyone listened intently to Ruby as she explained her abilities and gave a demonstration. They all seemed impressed.

"Perfect. She's in.  Phinks, help her get her tattoo and go over the rules. Butterfly, meet me in my room later. I'm Chrollo by the way." the man said.

Ruby looked back at Chrollo as he walked out of the room.

"I need to know more about this guy..." Ruby thought, as she was led away to a separate room.

Her journey into the spiders had begun.

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