Chapter 8: The Ex

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After my short yet long bus ride was over I excited the vehicle and started walking the last 3 blocks to my apartment complex, once there I walked into the brightly lit lobby and unlike Kai and reita who would have taken the stairs, I took the easy way and entered the elevator.

As I reached out and pressed the button for the 5th and final floor I heard someone call out “ Hold That Elevator!” unconsciously the good human in me put his hand out to open the elevator doors just as they began to shut, despite the selfish side of me wanting to be alone.

As the owner of the voice entered the elevator I noticed that he looked somewhat familiar, yet I know he didn't live in this building. So I let myself wander around my memory, trying to remember where I've seen this man before.

Eventually the ding of the elevator interrupts my thoughts and both I and the stranger get off on the 16th floor. I glance back at him now very curious as to who he was. I watched as he pulled out his phone and read something before he began to read each apartments door number.

Finally deciding to shelf my curiosity I headed down the hall a bit until I was in front of my apartment, then as I Began to pull my keys from my bag I felt someone walk up beside me. Unconsciously I looked up and met eye to eye with this stranger and in that instant I recognized this man before me.

This man, this tall, brown shaggy haired, well muscled man before me was in fact , Masaomi Hiro, Reita's old ex-boyfriend from highschool. The very same Ex Boyfriend that Reita recently reconnected with. Not to mention this guy is the whole reason Reita and I got into a fight and now he's here in front of me...In front of Our apartment, and I'm guessing Reita's the one who gave him the address.

Seeing this guy standing before me with a smile on his face while I was still fighting back tears made my blood boil with anger.

Remembrance: A Reita and Ruki story ( Gazette fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now