Chapter 16

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Author POV
As days go by, Mina's cafe has become a regular hang out for idols. She had to expand the place because of how many people come. Bts have gotten popular as the days go on. They have received many award and are about to receive a MAMA award.
She was there every time to support them because of Yoongi's favor. They never forgot to thank her on stage for coming. The fans have been supportive of their relationship. Sure there are a few haters, but whatever.
It's been a whole year since she was reunited with Jungkook. They try to spend as much time together, but they're both very busy people. They still love each other though.
It's now time for bts to receive their award.

Mina POV
I stand near the stage where bts will receive their award.
I'm so proud of them!

"And the best music video award goes to... BTS!"
I scream from the top of my lungs.
I see Jungkook look around trying to look to me. When he finally does he locks eyes with me and smiles widely.

"ARMY! Thank you for everything. We wouldn't be able to do this without you!"
They all bow and exit off the stage.
I quickly went backstage to congratulate them.

He give me a tight hug.

"Stop calling me mini."
I pout.

"But you're smaller than me."
He smiles as he pokes me cheeks.

Jungkook turns toward Taehyung's direction.

"Mina?! Where?!"
He looks around a spots me, but Taehyung is already half way toward me. I go to hug Taehyung, but Jungkook somehow got between us and stole his hug. He picks me up and spins me around.

"Yah let me go!"
I giggle.

"Thank you for coming!"
He kisses my cheek then let's me go.
I see Taehyung pout.

"Taetae come give me a hug!"
I spread my arms out and he happily hugs me.

"Ahh you're so warm."

"Alright enough hugging."

"Nah I like hugging tae."
I tease as Taehyung giggles.
Taehyung let's go and I pout.

"Sorry but you have other people to hug. I don't want to hog you like Jungkook."
I pinch his cheeks.

"Ahh you were raised right."

"Yah I'm older than you! Mentally too."

"That's very true."

I turn around with my arms out ready for a hug.

He comes skipping and hugs me.


"Thank y-"

"Min min where's my hug?"

"Over here."
Jin steals me from Hoseok and squeeze me in his arms.
"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Yeah because you're so cute."

"Jungkook would be mad if he heard."

"Oh he is."
Jungkook interrupts.
I giggle.

"Mina! Thanks for coming."
Namjoon says.

"No problem congratulations on winning!"
I hug him.

"Where's Yoongi?"

"Someone called me?"

"Yoongi. Come give min min some suga!"(cringe)
Yoongi scrunched his nose is disgust.

"I don't like human contact."

"Well you're going to."
I sneakily wrap my arms around him causing him to sigh.

"I'll let you this one time. Don't expect anymore though."


"We should get ready to go out and eat."

We all went out to eat and had a blast. I had to go back home while they had to continue their schedules.
They have been doing a lot of concerts lately, so I don't get to see them often.
We try to call each other as often as we can though. He told me that after this tour they're going on break, so I get it spend more time with them.
My birthday is today and hopefully he will be back by then.
I am doing my usual thing at work.
I see Joshua walk in.

"Jisoos have you come to save me?"
I giggle and he gives me his straight face.

"You don't deserve Jisoos to save you. Unless you give me one of your heavenly pastries."

"Ooh that was pretty good."
I fistbump him then get him his pastries.

"Anything else?"

"Nah but Jisoos will save you. Save you the trouble of getting 13 coffees ready."

"Wow thanks."
I roll my eyes.

"Bye now. Also happy birthday!"

"Thanks. bye~"
Nothing really happened today. At least it was Sunday, so that means I'm off tomorrow.
I head home and sleep after a tiring day.
I wake up to the sound of my door bell ringing.
I check the time and it's 10:50am. I lazily got up to answer the door.

"Good morning sleep beauty."
My face immediately lights up.

I hug him and drag him inside.

"What are you doing here?"

"Taking you out on a birthday date. I know your birthday was yesterday."

"Ok let me get ready."

"Wait look at my clothes so you don't match me."
I look at him up and down.

"Nice bod."
He didn't expect me to say that and blushes.

I giggle skipping up the stairs to get ready.
After I finished I head downstairs.

He takes me to all of my favorite places. He buys me anything I wanted which was nice.

"Jungkook, you didn't have to do this for me. Birthdays are that big of a deal."

"What about you with my birthday?"

"Ok my birthday is that big of a deal. Anyway it's already 8pm, let's head home."

"Can we go eat first?"

Jungkook drives us to a big restaurant that looks expensive.

"Jungkook you don't have to spend this much money on me."

"No you deserve nothing but the best."
I sigh.
"Let's go."
We walk in the building but it was too dark to see anything.

"Why aren't there any lights?"
Jungkook didn't answer. In fact he disappeared on me.
Suddenly the lights turn on.

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