Chapter 8

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Mina POV
I wake at 3:00am. I wasn't suppose to go to work until 4am.
Well I might as well print out the picture and get to work early today. Hana is going to hate me. Hehe.
I quietly walk to her room.
Aww she looks so cute sleeping so peacefully. Alright time to wake her up.
I rip the blanket from her body causing her to sit up from shock.


She looks at the time and realizes it's 3:10. She starts throwing pillows at me.

"I could have slept for another 20 minutes!"

"No you couldn't. I was going to make you go to work early."

"I'm going to kill you!"

Fast forward
She ends up making me late for work by leaving me in our car. But jokes on her she forgot the keys to unlock the shop.
I put the last batch of pastries in the oven to bake. I go to grab my phone from my purse, but I then notice the picture I was supposed to hang up protruding out of my purse. I grab some tape and place the picture on left wall, so once someone walks in and looks around, he or she will see it. I look at the picture and smile as I look at Jungkook.
I put the freshly bake pastries on display and open the shop. Once I uncover the window, I see a huge crowd of young people waiting to come in.
It's usually slow in the morning with more adult coming in for morning coffee.
I turn to my employees.

"Get ready!"
I open the door and greet everyone as they take pictures of me and ask me about BTS.

"Umm I will answer your questions soon, but while you waiting please enjoy some coffee or pastries. After I finish with some costumers I will come over and answer any question you have. If you can please move aside for those who are coming in. Thank you."
The sea of people part for those who are coming in. I quickly take orders and make them.

"Hana can you take over for a while. I need to answer their questions."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"I'll be fine. They're not going to leave until I do."
I walk over to the crowd of teenagers and they start taking pictures of me and piling me with questions.

"Ok one at a time. Let's move to the private room so we don't disturb the costumers."
They all sat around me with their cameras and questions ready to go.
"Ok who has questions?"
Many people raise their hands and I point to a girl in the back.

"How'd you get bts to come here?"

"Well they actually came here on their own. I guess they heard how delicious our coffees and food were and decided to try them. I was able to make a deal with them so they could perform here."

"Do they come here often?"

"I guess if you count them coming here 3 times."

"What's your relationship with them?"

"I used to be close friends with one of them, but since he became an idol we lost contact but this world is small so we were reunited."
There were a lot of gasps and more questions, but too many to understand.
"One at a time please."
I point to another girl.

"Who are you close with in bts?"
I was a little hesitant to answer.

I don't know why but I start to get nervous. They ask even more questions and start staying other things like "she's the girl that Jungkook was with" "omg jungkooks with her?" "Are they dating"
I stand up.
"Alright that's enough questions for today. Thank you for coming. Please come again."
I show them the exit and smile as they leave and whisper about me. I go to the back and let out a sigh of relief.

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