The Beginning

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     "It's Antoinette's birthday today. Please come! She hasn't ever had a party before." Mrs. White told the children in her class. The school bell rang, signaling the end of class. "She's turning seven!" Mrs. White yelled. 

     "May I offer a gift to the young lady?" asked an old Chinese man.

     "Hmm... let me see this 'gift'." Mrs. White said protectively. She was given a somewhat small-ish box. Inside was a white headband with ten diamonds. "This is... beautiful!" she breathed. 

     "Yes... it is. So is your daughter." With that, he left. 

     "Now why on earth would a complete stranger give Antoinette such an expensive gift?" Mrs. White wondered out loud.

     "I helped him. He fell and lost his stick. I found it and gave it back." Antoinette said. 

     "What a very kind man. Let's go home, Antoinette." 


"No one came to my party." Antoinette said dejectedly. She looked at the box containing her gift. She opened the lovely wooden box, seeing it contained an even more lovely headband. She put the headband on, and a ball of white light appeared in front of her. The ball of light disappeared, and in it's place was a white cat, hovering in midair. 

     "Hello, I an Tala. I am a Kwami. The headband you are wearing is very special. It- oh no! Hide me!" Antoinette's mother had returned. "No one must ever see me! Your headband can give you special powers. But no one must know." And so it began.

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