Jason's POV

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Helo fy ffrindiau!

Have fun guessing which language that one was ;)

I got excellence on my performing arts assessment today :D So proud, so I decided to update.

The things I do for you guys....

Second to last chapter :’( This story is going by so fast. Leo’s POV next for all you hard out Caleo shippers!

The next fanfic I am writing is going to be Rose/Scorpius (HP fandom). I know I said you could vote and all but I am too into this pairing not to write a fanfic about them. They are so cute <3

Sorry for getting distracted, I better write the disclaimer now.

Me: This is the end, hold you breath and count to ten....

Annabeth: No it’s not, it’s the second to last chapter...

Frank: We’re all going to die?! :O

Me: Maybe...

Hazel: Frank she’s joking

Me: Or is she.....I do not own any of these gullible charries...



As he walked alongside Piper he didn’t feel scared. No, this was nothing compared to what they had been through. Monsters, giants, gods....

Not meaning to brag - Jason didn’t feel comfortable bragging anyway - but this confrontation was a breeze when you looked at what they had faced. He intertwined his fingers with Piper’s. She turned and smiled up at him, squeezing his hand encouragingly. He returned the smile, instantly feeling happier. Piper did that to him.

“Is there a plan superman?” she asked, fiddling with the dagger in her other hand. Her kaleidoscope eyes hid a whole level of excitement and nervousness that she wasn’t willing to share with him.

“I think we should announce ourselves and just talk. You’re quite good at that.” He grinned.

She laughed. “Yeah, I seem to have a way with words. I am your master” she spoke sternly, voice dripping with charmspeak.

“You are my master” Jason repeated, falling under the charmspeak spell.

“What?” Piper, turned to face him. “Oh” she started cracking up laughing.

“I don’t get the joke master” Jason frowned.

“You aren’t my slave, you’re my boyfriend” she pecked him on the cheek, charmspeak gone from her voice.

“That’s right” Jason came out of the spell, picked her up and spun her around. She threw her head back and laughed.

“We’re on a mission!” she reminded him, and he gently set her down. They continued walking hand in hand over the sand dunes. It wasn’t long before they say the first site of green. Piper had a strange look on her face, almost like she was constipated.

"Pipes? You alright?" Asked Jason, trying to keep a straight face.

"Mmmmm yeah" she mumbled. "I just haven't been home in a while."

He squeezed her hand. "I'll be here with you. Don't you worry."

fShe nodded numbly and as they crested the next hill they came upon the full view of camp half blood. It hadn't changed, but Jason felt all warm inside as he saw it. This was his home now, he could feel it, and it was great to be back.

The only difference was there was a large crowd of campers in the middle gathered around a large golden statue. Giving piper a look, he started heading over. She soon followed.

 They got to the group of demigods. Everyone looked rather peeved off, and he could see why. Reyna, rachel, junpier, chrion, nico and Coach Hedge stood between the Romans and Greeks, making sure they didn’t fight with each other. The most peeved off of them all was Octavian - he was at the front darting around their weapons and shouting insults. Jason’s blood boiled at the sight of him. He just wanted to march up to him and punch him in the face. Piper placed a hand on his sword arm.

“Don’t, you’ll regret it” she spoke calmly, and was right as always. “I have a plan, follow my lead.” She slid to the side and strode up to the front with Jason on her tail.

“SHUT UP!” She yelled suddenly, and everyone obeyed her charmspeak laced voice. “We have returned.” Surprised muttering began as they realized that two of the seven were standing before them. Reyna and Nico looked awkward, but Coach was beaming and winked at Jason. He didn’t know how to react to that.

“I SAID SHUT UP!” Piper yelled again. Jason grinned at his girlfriend. She was hot when she was angry. “Now, Jason and I have something to say.” Reaching out for his hand, Jason took it. They stood united.

“Now” Piper said calmly. “We want you all to realize that this bickering is nonsense. Why should the Greeks and Romans hate each other? Because of a dispute started by our ancestors? Why do we have to deal with all this? We didn’t start it. Both groups are demigods. Both are humans. Both are fighters. We can unite and be stronger, or separate and be weaker. Who’s with me?!” It was a good speech, but the demigods still didn’t look convinced. Jason coughed then spoke up.

“Take us as an example, Piper and I. We are from different camps and have united. The seven demigods were specifically chosen by our parents so we would unite and see there is no need for fighting. Together we are stronger. We don’t need to be at the same camp, but quarrelling only makes fighting monsters worse.”

Now everyone was starting to nod their heads, and smiling. Well, everyone apart from Octavian.

“You fools” he sneered. “Together we are pathetic! Why join together now when we have been seperate for years?! This is doomed to last! Doomed!” He jumped around, eyes wide and hair all frizzy and crazy.

“May I?” Reyna muttered to Jason.

“It would be my pleasure” he replied. She marched up to Octavian and knocked him across the face, making him black out instantly. The demigods cheered. It seemed he wasn’t as popular anymore.

Jason was engulfed from a hug from Piper. “We did it!” she squealed, doing a victory dance. He laughed, kissing her. When they broke apart they went and saw their friends, and there were hugs all around. Piper was having a great catch up with her siblings. Giving Reyna a hug, he whispered. “I’m sorry it couldn’t work out.”

“What do you mean? It was over between us long ago Jason” she looked startled.

He looked at Nico. “That’s not what I meant.” She followed his gaze, biting her lip. “Thank you” she said quietly. He smiled shortly, then was interrupted by Piper tapping him on the shoulder.

“Look!” she smiled. The rest of the seven were walking towards them. A group of campers broke off and ran towards them excitedly. Meanwhile, Reyna and him tied up Octavian and chucked him in a room in the Big House for the time being. For now they were going to have a well deserved break.


Hope you loved the chapter!

Thank you thank you thank you guys so much for reading...I hit over 1000 reads! That’s amazing!

I’m leaving for overseas on Thursday but don’t you worry both chapters will be up by then :’( Sniff. This story’s nearly over! Hard to believe, I know.

Love, Comment, Vote!


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