Nico's POV

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Holaaa everyone.


Well my one follower.


But who’s counting.




Anyway, sorry for the randomness. This chapter is going to be short and sweet because I need to get this chapter posted so I can post another for Valentine’s Day! Yay! It will be short, so sorry. But I promise the next will be long!


Me:Now this is a disclaimer.


Frank: No way.


Me: I do not own any of Percy Jackson or HOO.


Leo:Hey! That was short.


Me: Good observation, genius.


Leo: You’re mean.


Me: Only sometimes. Sorry, but I need to write. Maybe next time.


Leo: Ok!




He slapped coins down on the counter. “One room for the night” he said sharply, still fuming from his argument with Reyna.


The plump blonde woman behind the counter raised her eyebrows at the money in front of her. “What are these?” she asked, holding up a shining drachma.


“Nothing” Nico snapped, replacing the Greek coins with euros. Once the woman gave him his room key he hurried off up the small spiral stairs. He unlocked his room and looked around. There was a comfortable single bed by a large window overlooking the street and sea below, with a small table beside it, and a wardrobe by the door. After locking the door firmly he flopped down on his bed, stowing his belongings under it. His dark eyes then flickered to the window. The small figures of Reyna and Coach Hedge stood below by the statue, and a pang of guilt ran through him. They would be struggling out in the cold while he was warm inside...but he was still upset with Reyna, and didn’t want to talk to her unless necessary. He realized they had grown closer in the last few weeks, but he didn’t know what he felt towards her. However, he did know that he was definitely still gay. This was proven every time a hot guy walked past, and both his and Reyna’s eyes were drawn towards him like magnets.


So he just lay there thinking as the sun went down and the stars came out. He snacked on a bit of ambrosia, and as he was drifting off, a bright silver light shone in the window. Leaping up, he peered outside, and there stood a beautiful woman, from which the rays were emanating from. Clutching his sword and slinging his backpack on his back, he raced down the stairs. Once he got there, Reyna and this woman had got into a conversation. When he arrived, she turned to him.


“Hello” she said, in a voice that was not human.


“Uh, hi. Who are you?” Nico said rather rudely.


“I am Selene.”


“Ah the moon goddess.”


“No Nico” Reyna said, rolling her eyes. “THE moon.”




“Anyway” Reyna said, in her usual bossy tone. “Selene is offering us a ride.”


“To where?”


“Think, cupcake” Coach Hedge said sarcastically. “Where would we want to go?”


“Oh. Why does she wants to help us?”


“She doesn’t like being talked about in third person” Selene said, narrowing her eyes at Nico. He could tell she hadn’t liked him from the start. “I want to help because if Hecate is on the Gods side, so am I. She is quite good at making decisions.”


Nico was about to disagree, but Reyna glared at him. Great, two out of three beings in the room hated him.


“We’re going to take a ride on the moon chariot” Reyna explained. Nico’s eyes widened. Not many people could say they had ridden on Selene’s moon chariot.


“We’ll have to ride soon, because the moons should be in the sky right now” Selene told him. “So quick.” Then she clicked her fingers and a silver chariot appeared. It looked dainty and was almost see through, like it was make out of moon beams. The front was carved with an intricate swirly design.


“Cool” Nico said softly, as they boarded. Then he realized. “Wait, what about the statue?”


Selene waved her hand and it was instantly tethered to the back. What couldn’t she do? he wondered. Then the chariot rumbled like a car starting up, and they flew off into the heavens.


Ok, so it wasn’t that short. But still. Hope you enjoyed it, and the person to guess who’s POV will be next gets the next dedication! Woo! To earn this dedication you know what to do...


Vote, Comment, Love!


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