Calypso's POV

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Here's the new chapter! Thought I'd better write a disclaimer just in case...

I do not own any of the characters or places, etc in Percy Jackson or HOO. Sadly Rick Riordon owns all this.

Anywayyy hope you enjoy the new chapter :)


I waited nervously on the beach as all of Leo's friends left the boat and came to say hello. I hadn't seen this many demigods in, well, 3000 years! They all seemed really nice and supportive. The boys shook my hand and the girls gave me hugs. The person I was most dreading seeing was Percy. Leo forgot to warn me he was here until him and his new girlfriend were left to say hello. Annabeth was wary, but once she'd made sure I wanted nothing to do with her boyfriend she was happy as can be. Then came Percy. Oh gods. He looked absolutely exhausted, but he was just as handsome as when I'd first met him. I had lost most of my feelings for him, but I couldn't deny there was still something there. My body tensed as he came near, and Leo's arm around me tightened slightly. He hadn't let me go since he got here. For that I was grateful.

"Uh, hi" Percy said, grinning like a goof as per usual.

"Hi" I said back. There was obvious tension in the air. Then I slapped him in the face. Three years worth or resentment, anger and worry was put into that smack. No wonder he nearly fell to the ground. Then I started swearing in Greek. I won't go into details as there was quite a lot of it. Leo was trying not to laugh, Annabeth had pursed lips, and the rest of the demigods looked awkward. Finally I finished. There was an eerie silence. Then Leo turned to me, pecked me on the lips and beamed.                                                                                                                                                          "That's my girl" he said.

After that the tension defused remarkably. I collected my harp, clothes, herbs and a couple of possessions. Frank and Jason helped me move these onto the boat, and into Leo's room. I would be staying here, while he would have a bed in the engine room. He joked that he practically lived there anyway, so it wasn't much of a stretch. After I was settled in, everyone came together on board.

I stared out at Ogygia. My home, and my prison. I couldn't say I would miss the place. Though as the boat flew up into the air, I felt like a part of me was missing. My face must have been odd because Hazel came up to me where I stood at the railings.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Hard to say...." I felt tears welling up in my eyes and hastily drew a sleeve over them.

"Don't worry, I cried when I left my home, even though I hated it. Though it gets filled in due time - that hole in you." I gaped at her. Was she reading my mind?

Hazel laughed. "I;m no mind reader but you're not alone."

I smiled, gazing at my island in the distance. Then I turned away for the final time. It wasn't my island anymore.


Hope you loved that chapter! It was fun to write :) I will be doing POVs from now on...who do you guys want next?



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