Hedge's POV

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“I’m leaving on a jet plaaaane, don’t know when I’ll be baaack again.”


Yes the above lyrics are actually a real song. Look them up if you guys want. And they do have some meaning...on the third of april I am going on a around the world trip! Woo! But this also means I might be inactive for the time I am away - I have no idea when I will be able to get internet access, and writing this story isn’t my top priority. And I’m going away for seven weeks.

So yeah.

Sorry to drop that bombshell on you guys! I know it’s not for a month still, but I wanted to give a little warning. And I have every hope that I can complete the story before then.

Fingers crossed.

Enough about me! Let’s get on with this story.

Me: Hey characters!

Everyone apart from Frank: Hey author!

Me: Frank, what’s the matter?

Frank: *Sniff* It’s just you’re leaving soon! We won’t get to see you for seven weeks!

Other characters:...

Me: Uh Frank, you guys are coming with me. You are in my head after all!

Frank: Oh yeah

Me: But unfortunately, even though you’re in my head, I do not own any of you or any other things from Percy Jackson or HOO. *Sigh* To the story



As he sat there in a stuffy tin can in the sky, Hedge added another item to his hate list. Aeroplanes. His hate list was usually reserved for people he could beat up, but once in a while a special exception came around.

He nibbled on the paper cup, trying to keep as calm as his friends. Reyna was just chilled, with her headphones in and eyes closed, while Nico just looked the same as usual - like the living dead.

He grumbled once again at the lack of Iris signal up in the aeroplane. You’d think that Iris, goddess of rainbows, would be able to get a message through from up in the air. But apparently not. Leaning back, he closed his eyes. Usually, when you closed your eyes, it was completely black. But there was a weird goldish tinge around his eyelids. Opening his eyes grudgingly, his gaze wandered to the back of the plane. Oh yes, the Athena Parthenos. It took up all of the plane apart from the row of seats that held Hedge, Reyna and Nico, and the cockpit. Personally, he found it a right nuisance, but yes it was needed to save the world blah de blah de blah.

“Two hours to go until New York” the Pilot announced in a dazed voice. Hedge marvelled at how effective charmspeak really was. They had Iris messaged Piper at the airport in Kabul, and got her to talk the pilot into lending them this gigantic plane and to fly them to Long Sound Island New York.

Two hours. A lot was going to happen in two hours time. He was trying to mentally prepare himself, in fact. Seeing Mellie, his friends from Camp Half Blood and the evil Romans all at once was going to send his emotions into overdrive. He wouldn’t know whether to start kicking butt or reminisce with old buddies.

His eyelids drooped alarmingly. No! he thought. I want to stay awake and prepare myself for New York! But his brain had gone on autopilot, and there was no chance of staying awake. So he slipped into dreamland.


Hedge woke up with a start. He peered blearily around. Both Reyna and Nico were sitting erect at the window, gazing over the sight below. What was so interesting? he wondered, still half asleep. But then it hit him like cold water in the morning. New York! Mellie! The Romans! He raced to the window and tried to look out.

“Budge along cupcakes” he grumbled half heartedly, trying to get a look at the view. Reyna smiled, slightly, moving along.

“That better Coach?” she asked.

“It’ll do” he said, letting a small grin slide onto his face. Reyna had that effect on him.

New York was spread out below, a bulging mass of buildings. At least, that was all he could see. Underneath hid a bustling metropolis of people, cars and shops.

“Where’s Camp Half Blood?” Reyna asked. Obviously she had never been to New York or anywhere near it before.

“There” Nico spoke suddenly, pointing to Long Sound Island - a green sliver in the middle of a contrasting blue and grey scenery.

Home, thought Hedge. It really was the only place he could call home. Sure, he travelled a lot, so didn’t really have a place to crash, but CHB just kept luring him back.

“Stop with the cheesiness” he mumbled to himself, earning strange looks from both his companions. Ignoring them, he focused on the piece of land that was just getting bigger and more detailed as they descended. Both their eyes soon joined him, window growing misty as their bated breath fogged it up.

“Are you sure you want me to land on Long Sound Island?” the pilot asked from the front.

“Yes” said Nico distractedly. “Didn’t you say you wanted to?”

“Did I?” asked the pilot. There was no answer, but thankfully the plane kept descending.

In no time at all the plane landed bumpily on the ground - right in front of the entrance to camp. Hedge knew the pilot could only see an empty field, so could understand her confusion.

“Is this where you want to go?” she asked.

“Yes. You can fly off after this” Nico said firmly.

The three got out, dragging the statue with them. It took them a while to trudge up the hill, but they finally made it without breaking a sweat.

As Hedge looked down on Camp Half Blood he saw a sight that no one could have really expected.


Hope you loves the chapter! So they finally made it back - what’s going to happen? Are all the campers still under Hypnos’ spell? Will the Athena Parthenos unite the campers? Or will it take another force even greater to do so?

I love leaving you guys with questions :3

Yes it’s short. I know. This was a filler in chapter before all the exciting stuff happens. Also, I realize that not many monsters have been attacking our dear demigods. This is because one Gaea doesn’t have enough power to do control her minions, and two because the gods have granted them a safe passage home. They do have hearts in my mind <3

No one answered the questions I posed last time, so no dedication this time. Keep guessing this time, and the first person to get a question right gets the dedication!

Love you all

Comment, Love, Vote!


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