Chapter Forty-two - Scarlett

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In the days that passed, life was a little hectic. The grounds were cleared of the mess and then the rain washed away the blood and the potion from the soil. The crop duster was removed and the fence repaired, keeping the creatures in their forest. They were a little unsure of the open area, not venturing out again. Lucas had shown me the secret entrance; it was so obvious I was kicking myself. In the bottom corner of the property, in the tree line that I thought was completely connected was a driveway. Beyond the tree line was more of their property and I discovered that there was a shed where Henry was breeding the creatures. Lucas delighted in giving me the grand tour of the shed, the thing spanned for what seemed like several hundred metres. The mothers were brought into the shed to have their babies, to protect them from the other creatures. Each of them were given their own pens, fresh hay and endless food. I walked along the large corridor between the two rows of pens, most of them were asleep in the hay, making themselves a little nest. When we reached the end of the shed, if my heart was still beating like a humans did, it would have fluttered, the babies. They were adorable. Out of nowhere Henry appeared and to my shock he was in overalls. He was here, doing the dirty jobs with the staff. His face was so happy and animated as he told me that we had picked a great day to visit, the babies and their mothers were being released into the forest. They were now old enough to handle the big boys out there he enlightened me. The gates to their pens were opened as Henry and the staff ushered them out the main door. It was a little unnerving; the mothers were very protective of their young. One of the babies stopped beside me and bunted the hand by my side, his eyes large with a sheen across the blackness. His mother turned and sounded a low roar to her young one, he roared back and ran after her. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as the large gates were opened and the creatures were sent into the forest. Happiness. Lucas wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in, hugging me tightly.

The werewolves searched Dietrich's house, the shed, the passage under the shed and the warehouse where the passage led to. A powerful sense of smell helped their search as they were able to track everywhere Dietrich had been, finding another warehouse full of the potion and ammunition. Every vital piece of information was collected and all places were destroyed, sent up in a great explosion. My parents were none too impressed at the thought of an explosion right next to their house so the werewolves just burnt his house and the shed to the ground. No more, all gone. Sammy was stunned at the abilities that I had gained and I think he found the prospect of joining us quite alluring. My parents were a little put off by it all but once they realised that it was a long wonderful life that awaited them, many grandchildren that, if they were to not join us they may never get to see, they opted to join us. I was over the moon, I did not like the thought of my loved ones dying, now my parents and my brother would be by my side for an eternity.

Zach's birthday arrived very quickly and by the time his birthday finally rolled around I had begun to show, two little babies making my belly poke out from under my tight shirt. Zach had spent the month prior to his birthday following Lucas around the castle, begging him to agree to his request. Of course Lucas was just toying with him, his birthday had already been planned, one giant surprise birthday party with yours truly headlining the show. I had wanted to get something for his birthday, something different. Of all the demon bugs he had in his room I had noticed that he only had the one spider, that nasty thing he named after me. Lucas took me to the place where Zach got most of his creatures from and I found the most amazing spider it was so beautiful but so damned creepy. A cobalt blue tarantula the man told me, blech. But it was a really beautiful spider, its legs furry and a very intense blue, the body a lighter shade of blue. Lucas grinned at me, almost like it was an approval. So we bought the creepy thing, a new terrarium and all the other nonsense that goes with owning one of these demons spawned from the depths of hell. I made Lucas carry it. I would have nothing to do with it. It was bad enough that it was going to be in the car with us. Gross. When we exited the pet store there was a flurry of camera flashes, Lucas almost dropped the spider in its little plastic carrier as the crowd of paparazzi advanced on us. The normally controlled demeanour that is Lucas was gone, he bared his fangs at them, almost a low growl emanated from him. He wrapped his arm around the plastic carrier, tightening it to his body and grabbed my elbow, wrenching me to the side. I nearly lost the glass terrarium, struggling to maintain a grip as we moved quickly to the car. This of course made it worse, the paparazzi were sent into overdrive, wondering what this was before them, a man with fangs who growled at them.

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