Chapter Thirty-two - Scarlett

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I feel the softness of my bed but I cannot open my eyes, my body sore and tired it lacks the energy to move. I can hear Lucas and his mother talking quietly beside my bed, then someone clearing their throat.

'Your highness, Miranda has arrived.'

Miranda is here, why?

'Excellent, show her in.'

'All I want is for her to love me the way I love her.'

'She does, you just need to give her what she wants. What is it that she wants Lucas?'

'Her life, her family, her career, her freedom.'

'Well then give it to her, there is no reason that she can't have these things.'

'She will leave and she won't come back. I know it.'

'Now you know that's not true. Have you not read her mind? I have, I know the truth, she loves you, she likes being here, with you. I think that if you give her what she wants then you might just see a different person.'

'How is she?'

Miranda's voice is soft and sweet as she whispers to Mae.

'Still asleep. We will leave you now, we have some things to attend to, if you need anything the staff will help you.'

I can feel the bed beside me depress as the door quietly closes. She pulls the hair behind my ear, the soft touch of her fingers, her skin isn't as cold as Lucas, almost warm like a human.

"Time to wake up Scarlett."

Her voice sounds like angels singing to me, so beautiful. It is hard to open my eyes; they feel so heavy. The room around me is blurry and my head throbs. As everything starts to focus I can see Miranda sitting on the bed beside me.

"Welcome back." she smiles at me.

"Here, take these."

She holds out a glass of water, two little tablets in her fingers. I sit up and take them, grateful for any form of pain relief.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit."


I shake my head.

"Feel like you can stand?"

She gets up from the bed and holds out her hands.

"Come on."

Miranda helps me to the ground in front of the coffee table, sitting herself down opposite me. I look at my wrists, no marks whatsoever. Wow my mind whispers. From her bag Miranda takes a leather pouch and pulls out a deck of cards, handing them to me. On the back of the cards is a golden bird, flames around the wings that arc around its head.


As I shuffle the cards, three of them flip out of the deck and each of them she takes and puts face down onto the table. She flips the first card over, letting me look at it.

"The rising star." she whispers with a smile.

The card is of a woman, her hands above her head, cupping them around a gold star. Her outfit white, around her neck is a long necklace with a heart pendant. A golden rope is tied around her waist, at the knot is the same symbol as the back of the card, the golden bird. Her bare feet stand on a brown cylinder, her face happy and serene. Behind her is a grand tree, its leaves the most beautiful green I have ever seen.

A Vampire's Life Book 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin