Chapter Forty-one - Scarlett

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The lab is seemingly bland, the unsuspecting world would pass it by and not take any notice. An industrial style building, white concrete walls dotted with a few windows. We all disappear, a new ability I had learned on the way to the gun shop. It was difficult to maintain the level of concentration required to remain hidden but I managed. Not bumping into everyone else was what was the most difficult. We patiently waited at the back door, hidden to the view of the world around us, waiting for Alex to change into some sort of bug to get into the place and turn off the alarm. Alina had to hold Finn's hand so that he could remain hidden, which I noticed Alex frowning to the sight just before he disappeared. Happy path my arse. I could see what the deal was, obviously Alex wasn't as impressed at sharing her as what he made out to be.

A few minutes later the door opened and we entered the lab, dark and dreary the florescent lights hummed as we passed them. The place will be relatively easy to search, only one level of building, reasonable in size. At the end of the tiny corridor is a t section, we splinter off into smaller groups, following the new corridor along.

Lucas, Finn and I go to the left down an even darker part of the corridor. Alina, Alex and Miranda go to the right. We quietly walk the corridor of the lab, each taking a room to search. The door creaks open as I push it back, the room smells awful almost like death, rotten and decaying. One little window sits opposite the door; the blinds are broken allowing the moonlight to creep in. Below it is a desk covered with books and papers and a desk lamp. I flick on the lamp to look at the papers, all research notes, experiments. I start to bundle the papers, knowing that Terrance and Alina will want these at the castle and not here. Better in our hands then theirs.

"Who are you?"

I nearly jump out of my skin and when I see it, it shocks me. Cages upon cages at the other end of the room, in the cages are people.


I look through the cages and see someone that looks so familiar it's not funny. This guy looks like Lucas.


"How do you know my name?"

"Long story. Annabella?" I whisper.

He points over to a cage to the left of him, a woman curled into the back of the cage, her back to us.

"How do I get you out?"

"Keys in the top draw of that desk under the window." He gestures to the desk. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for some sort of potion that Dietrich might have been making."

I find the keys and let him out of the cage.

"You know of Dietrich?"

I nod. "Is there a potion? Something that he has been giving to humans?"

"Yes, but it's not just the injections."

I move to Annabella's cage, opening the door. She rolls over and hisses, moving further into the back of the cage.

"Annabella, it's ok." Oliver says.

She slowly gets out of the cage and looks at me.

"Who are you?"

"She's my wife."


Tears forming, she hugs Lucas. I quickly move to the other cages, letting the other vampires out.

"You got married?" Oliver says looking at him.

"Oliver, Annabella, this is Scarlett, the final vampire from the pearl river oracle. We married yesterday to fulfil the prophecy."

A Vampire's Life Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora