Chapter Seventeen - Lucas

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I stood outside the ballroom, beside the large double doors, the music pounding so loud I could hear it clearly. Zach had been busy all afternoon with organising the room, making sure all of the invited vampires knew Scarlett was out of bounds. There was an endless amount of blood for them to drink and for tonight, that was all that they could have. But still, I was worried. There I stood by the doors, nervously waiting. My mother had her fingers in her ears, my father was pacing. Zach exited the room and leaned on the closed doors, completely smug about it all.

"Right old man, your future wife is in there somewhere, Gabriella is watching over her. Your job is to find her and woo her. Good luck."

The smug took on a whole new level as he grinned at me, opening the door. Before me was something that I had never seen, the ballroom was dark, the coloured lights swirled around the room as the vampires danced to the heavy dance beat. With all this noise, there was no chance of tracking her with her heart beat, I had to look through the crowd of people to find her and in the limited light, that was difficult. Every single person was dressed exactly the same. I think that Zach did this on purpose. I was curious as to why he had sent me to a particular store to purchase clothes for her. Now I know why, he wanted her dressed exactly the same as everyone else. Not that it wasn't her usual type of clothes. I tried to sniff the air, which was of no help, the sweat of the vampires dancing was thick in the air. There would have been at least a thousand vamps here, the ballroom was full from one wall to the other. I didn't know that Zach knew so many vampires, then a smell struck me, blood. I turned and saw a young man dancing against a woman, in a flashing of a light I could see the vein pulse on his neck. Human, the little shit has brought humans in. Damn it! I could hear him laughing in my mind. You did this on purpose, you little bastard. Of course I did, can't make it easy on you. How many Zach? Oh, I don't know maybe one, two hundred, I lost count really. Don't you have a job to do?

I huff as I scan the people dancing around me, their hands venturing all over each other's bodies as they move to the beat. I dreaded the thought of Scarlett being in the thick of it, hands wandering over her body. I dreaded the thought of a vampire finding her and mistaking her for a human they could have. The music was deafening, the continuous thumping rattled through my head then I saw her. I weaved through the crowd as I reached her, she turned. The pale skin and fangs told me I didn't find Scarlett, what I found was a woman who had the same tiny frame as Scarlett and was wearing a black and green wig. Damn you Zach! Again he laughed in my mind, it was one big game to him. I had to work to find her and as I turned to search again, there was another woman with a bloody wig. As my mind tried to process thoughts on how to find her in this crowd, this crowd that moved constantly something rather bizarre fluttered through my mind. I could hear her snarky mind. Even over the thumping beat from the DJ on the stage, I could hear her mind talking to her. What it said was a concern. It was berating her for dancing with another man, telling her that she should consider it cheating on me. So much for Gabriella watching over her. Making sure she is safe Lucas, not stopping her from enjoying herself, big difference. I moved through the crowd, the voice was getting louder, then all of a sudden it got feint. I reached a space in the crowd, I sniffed the air and could smell Gabriella's perfume. They moved, did you tell Gabriella I was getting closer? Nooo, I wouldn't do that he laughed.

I threw up the barrier to my mind, blocking Zach out and resumed my search.

It took half an hour to find her again, when I did it made my blood boil. The guy she was dancing with was like an octopus. I tapped his shoulder, he turned and barred his fangs at me. What do you want? He hisses in my mind; the frown etches into his face as he stops dancing. You to leave. Free country he hissed back again. Not when the prince of the kingdom tells his subject to stop dancing with his girlfriend. He bows my apologies your highness he whispers before disappearing into the crowd. Scarlett turns around, the happiness in her face drops when she sees me, a slight smile returns to her face.

"Hey." she yells over the music.


I hold out my hand, hoping that she will take it. My breathing stops for a split second as she looks at it, the smile gets a little bigger as she takes my hand. I pull her into my body as the crowd closes in around us, pressing against us. I wipe the sweat soaked hair from her forehead, pulling it behind her ear.

Having fun? She nods enthusiastically, the smile on her face is amazing. It was in that second that I realised that this was never about us. This was about Scarlett being happy. When she is happy she is more open to me, more easily accepting of me. The little shit got it right. Dating advice from a seventeen-year-old. Great, he is never going to let this one go. She wraps her arms around my neck looking up at me. Do I dare? Is it too soon? I take the leap and hope that she is accepting of it, hoping that it isn't too soon for her. One little kiss, soft and perfect. At first she was a little unsure, she hesitated for a moment. When she realised it was just one little kiss, she relaxed.

I didn't want to drag her away from the night, I knew she was happy. I could see it on her face, I could feel it in the way she was with me. She didn't fear me, I had her back. She danced, she wrapped her arms around me, even planting the occasional kiss on me.

You look tired I whispered to her. She nodded and took my hand, dragging me out of the ballroom. Zach was by the doors; I knew the gloating would go on for days. As she pecked him on the cheek and flittered out of the room he grinned. You owe me one, big time. Yeah, yeah. I roll my eyes, then stopping by his side. Thanks. No probs bro.

I followed her down the corridor to her bedroom, she leaned on the wall, tired but happy, very happy. The music was still going, a feint sound from here, it was enough to keep her mood going.

"Can you behave yourself?" she whispers with a cheeky grin, pulling me into her body.

"Always." I whisper back.

She giggles as I kiss her neck, pulling her hair away. I press her against the wall as we kiss, my hand sliding up her leg as it wraps around my waist. We were moments away from moving into her room when someone cleared their throat. I turned and saw my grandmother standing near us.

"I think it's time for Scarlett to retire for the evening."


"Good night Lucas."

She grabs Scarlett by the arm, her hand wafting straight through her arm. She huffs when she remembers she cannot touch.

"Room young lady."

Scarlett grins, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Another day." she whispers in my ear.

As she closed the door, my grandmother stood behind her staring at me, her ominous figure darkened into the shadows.

Inspiration for Lucas... is it hot in here? ;)

A Vampire's Life Book 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें