The Sleepover 2

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Kayleigh Hecox's POV

My team won pain pong, which I'm happy about. Right now, we are filming SSSS. I'm not apart of it, but I'm watching behind the camera with Joven and Keith. We were laughing and making comments about all of he revealed secrets.

"Almost killed my sibling with the wraper of a snapple cap!" Wes read. The four put in their guesses. "It was Ian!" I walked onto the set.

"Yes it was Ian, you bastard, you almost killed me!" I yelled at the camera before leaving the set. Joven and Keith were trying to hold back their giggles. "I'm still bitter!"

"Kayleigh! Come join us!" Courntey said.

"Okay, but I'm not eating those jellybeans!" I said sitting next to Courntey.

"In Kindergarten, I peed sitting on the same toilet seat as my classmate because I couldn't wait my turn to use the bathroom." Turns out it was Mari.

"I learned multiplications tables because I got so many lunch detentions and our punishment was to learn times tables. Joven!"

"When I was 9 my dog grabbed a bag of treats and my mom told me to take them away. I did and and my dog bite my face. I bled and cried a lot. My parents kept the dog. Lasercorn!"

"I dropped out of high school so I could start a band with my friend and her sibling. Downside was that only one of us could sing, and it wasn't me."

Everyone was confused. No one knew who dropped out of high school.

"It was me!" I said. They were all shocked. "I dropped out of high school, but I did go to college, until I dropped out!"

"My mom convinced me to ride a giant roller coaster when I was in 5th grade. As soon as the safety restraints came down and tried to claw my way out of the seat. I screamed "I changed my mind!" until the ride stopped. Lasercorn!"

"I used to sleep walk and woke up one night banging pots and pans together. Anthony!"

"When I was little I had an uncontrollable urge to draw naked people. I hid all my masterpieces in a secret corner behind my bed for years. Courtney!"

"My grandma washed my mouth out with Dove soap because I said $@%T. Keith!"

We stopped playing the game, and just started to read out the secrets. Joven and Keith came and joined us.

"In 6th grade I didn't want to do P.E. but I really liked digging in the sandbox. My teacher was supportive of my sandbox digging endeavors so I passed the class. Olivia!"

"I almost died 5 times. Noah!"

"I used to throw up when I got too excited, too scared, too happy or too nervous. Olivia"

"When I was 6, I ran away from home and was gone for almost a week. My parents didn't notice until I came home. Kayleigh!"

"Yeah, I ran to my neighbors and my parents had no idea I was gone," I told everybody.

"I was in the 99th percentile for the SATS in school. Wes!" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course Mr. Smartass!" I said. Everyone laughed.

"I middle school I constantly fell victim to girls wanting to experiment with lesbian kissing for some reason. Courtney!"

"I used to play in abandoned houses because I was poor. Flitz!"

"I missed my first day of school in fifth grade. Keith!" What made this even funnier is that Keith didn't remember that he wrote that down.

"When I was a child I collected fish eyeballs in a jar. Mari!"

"In High school I was asked to join the track team because the coach saw me running top speed from a guy trying to beat me up. Joven!"

"Ran away from ranchers and while hiding, had to watch a bunch of bulls have an orgy. Ian!" I cringed. I could've lived my life without knowing that.

"I almost lost my virginity in public. Was so ready, but then "it" was like "nah". Flitz!" We all laughed about that one.

"I paid a man to snort wasabi. Noah!"

"Okay! Last one!" Courntey said holding it up. "I'm dating a coworker." Everyone looked around.

"Who could that be?" Joven asked. He went into detective mode. "It can't be me, Lasercorn, Mari, Wes, Ian, or Anthony."

"Or Kayleigh, she just met us a day ago!" Courntey said. I nodded, smiling on the inside.

"I think Sohinki wrote it down! And he's dating Courtney!" Joven said. Courntey looked at him confused.

"It's not me! It's Kayleigh!" Courtney said reading my name. Everyone looked at me. I smiled.

"Yeah, it's me!" I said.

"What? Who?" Courntey asked, stuttering out. I chuckled.

"Guess!" I said with a smile. They began trying to figure out who it is. I pulled out my phone, texting Shayne to get down here. He walked onto the set.

"What's up Kay?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"Ta-da!" I said putting my arms around him. Everyone gasped.

"I knew it was Shayne!" Courtney said. I smiled.

"Shayne is the coworker I'm dating!" I told them. Shayne nodded and kissed my cheek. That was an awesome episode of SSSS.

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