06. Relationship Advice [A.B.]

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Relationship Advice
{Asa x Reader}

"Y/N, you're my best friend and I know you're dealing with things right now, but for the love of God and all things holy, can you please stop getting crumbs all over my bed?"

I glanced up, my blurry vision meeting Asa's vibrant blue eyes, which stared back with a mix of sympathy and concern. The latter for the state of his sheets that were now covered in cookie crumbs, though.

I sighed loudly, moving the cookie package to the nightstand and spooning another big bite of chocolate ice cream right out of the tub. My eyes moved back to Asa's television directly in front of the bed, A Walk To Remember playing on it.

This time Asa sighed, before glancing to the movie. "And, really? A Walk To Remember? Are you sure this is the best movie to be watching right now?" Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him reach for the remote.

"Asa!" I warned, pointing my spoon at him.

His hand flinched away, dropping back at his side. I watched for a second as he bit his lip, looking at me like he was just purely sorry for me. For a moment, I felt pretty vulnerable and pathetic. I dropped my spoon back into the tub, letting my shoulders slump.

"You came to me for relationship advice, and so my advice is to not watch sad romance movies," he said, walking around the side of the bed. He sat at the edge of his own bed that I'd taken over, keeping his eyes on me.

"I know, but.... You're my best friend. You know I can't resist a good movie." I offered him a forced smile, but he didn't buy it. He was a professional actor, so he could easily see right through my lies.

"I'm sorry about what happened with him, Y/N," Asa continued, "But I don't think this is the way to get over it. Besides, you two weren't technically dating."

I narrowed my eyes, placing the bowl of ice cream on the night stand, too. "So?"

"So," Asa sighed, "Don't be so torn up about it, okay? You're great, you know. And he's stupid for not seeing that."

I knew he was probably right, and just trying to be a good friend, but I didn't especially care in this moment.

I groaned, leaning my back against the headrest of his bed. "But he's great. Imagine how cute we would've been if things worked out, Asa. Don't you want me to be happy?"

"Excuse me?" Asa scoffed, and I could tell immediately my words offended him. I breathed in sharply, feeling a sting of regret. Of course he wanted me to be happy, he was my best friend.

"There's nothing I want more," he claimed. His words were kind, but his tone was cold and distant. His eyes were low, staring at the floor. I'd come to Asa many times after breakups and after boys pulled stupid acts, but this time it felt different. He wasn't close and coddling, promising that I'd find my guy one day. Instead he hesitated outside the door, not even offering his food or his kindness or his warmth.

"Yeah, okay," I sighed, throwing my legs over the side of the bed so I was sitting directly next to him. "What's going on, Asa?"

"I want you to be happy," He huffed, without looking at me. "But you keep getting so caught up with guys you barely know, Y/N. And I have to stay back, watching you get your heart broken over and over again."

I folded my hands together, playing at my chipped blue nail polish. I didn't understand completely. I left a pause, waiting for him to say something more. But he never did. He just left it at that, sounding disappointed.

"Is that more relationship advice?" I asked quietly, willing my voice to sound the slightest bit teasing.

"You don't get it."

"I don't get what?" I pried, looking over at him. "Asa, I just basically got dumped. I can't deal with tension between us, too, now." If it wasn't Asa, I would've gotten up and left. But, he was my best friend, and I had once long ago promised to always try to work things out through fights. That means we don't walk away or refuse to talk when things become difficult, no matter how much he want to.

"I'm so tired of you doing this," he complained, causing my heart to clench.

"Excuse me?" I begged, my voice cracking.

His hand reached for my knee unexpectedly, our gaze meeting once again. He looked tired, yet his electricity seemed to dance in his eyes.

"You want relationship advice?" He asked, his words tumbling out of his mouth, "Okay! I've got it – date me!"

It was like time stopped completely.

Asa. He wasn't angry at me, he was upset because after all this time... he liked me. I had spent all this time seeking out different guys, worrying I would never find the right one. And all this time, Asa was right there in front of me.

"I can't believe you didn't realize sooner," he sighed, removing his hand from my knee. My skin went cold as I watched him retreat, regret causing him to pull away again.

"I'm sorry I didn't," I softly admitted, my fingers lightly pressing on Asa's hand.

Asa blinked, his eyes going wide. "I'm your best friend, Y/N. I get it. We can't ruin our friendship."

I laughed, my past relationships and their endings running through my mind. I grazed my fingers lightly over his skin, shaking my head. "We should've ruined it a long time ago," I sighed, "Almost every past guy has said that I'm going to end up with you. I never thought you were... interested."

Asa's lips turned into a smile, and a happy warmth rushed through my body.

He leaned forward slowly, his eyes looking at mine for confirmation. I nodded, letting myself close the gap between us. Lips met briefly, but in those few seconds, everything seemed right. It was Asa, all along.

He pulled away first, eyes shut for a second, taking it all in. "Wow."

"Wow, indeed," I agreed, "Asa Butterfield, I think you just gave me the best relationship advice ever." I pulled the collar of his shirt, bringing him towards me again and pressing another kiss onto his mouth. He accepted willingly, his arms reaching around me.

I smiled, breaking the kiss. "Gosh, why didn't we do this sooner?"

"Good question," Asa sighed, resting his forehead against mine. "I should've given you this relationship advice a long time ago."

• • • • •

author's note | whaaaaat, i'm back?????? what?????? hi!!!!!!!! i didn't proof read(:

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