02. Chemistry Test [A.B.]

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chemistry test{asa x reader}

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chemistry test
{asa x reader}

"So, are you excited?" My best friend, Bryn, drawled over the phone. "It's like your dream is coming true."

"My dream?" I laughed, swiveling in the hair and makeup chair inside the room. I was all dolled up, and I hadn't even officially gotten the part yet. As long as my chemistry screen test went well, I was guaranteed the part.

"Yeah," she laughed, "You've been in love with Asa Butterfield since middle school. Now you're going to be his love interest in a movie." Hearing her say it out loud seemed insane, and the fact that it was true seemed crazier. I was about to have a chemistry test with Asa Butterfield.

"Maybe," I corrected her, biting my lip. "As long as today goes well."

"Why wouldn't it?" She chuckled, "You're already in love with him." I laughed too, but my fingers automatically moved to turned down my phone volume, afraid someone walking by the room might hear it. The last thing I needed were rumors about me liking a potential co-star I hadn't even met yet.

"I'm just nervous," I sighed. "This could be my first big movie part, and it's with him." I shook my head, staring at my shoes. My career was riding on today's outcome, and it was an absolutely terrifying thought.

"What's wrong about him?"

A new voice filled the room that I'd thought to be empty. My head snapped to the doorway, my hand almost dropping my phone in the process. This could not be real.

"Oh my lord," I breathed, staring into the stunning, and curious, blue eyes before me. They seemed even more vibrant in real life than on screen.

"Are you alright?" I heard Bryn ask on the other end.

I nodded, even though she couldn't see it, before catching myself. "Uh, um, yeah," I coughed into the cell, "My potential co-star is just standing in front of me right now."

I heard Bryn screech, as Asa raised his eyebrows at me. "I'm sorry." He frowned, "You're on the phone." His curious looked turned into more of an embarrassed one now, as he turned to leave.

"No," I said quickly, "You're fine, you're fine. Bryn, I've got to go. I'll call you back later, okay?" Asa hung in the doorway, pursuing his lips together as he watched me, shocked as humanly possible.

"You better!" Bryn laughed in my ear, "Good luck!" I hung up without another word, clicking my phone off and setting it on the makeup table.

"I don't know what you just heard, but I assure you there's nothing wrong with you," I blurted, shaking my head in disbelief. "When I said that,
I didn't mean it a bad way. Not at all! It's actually the opposite – you see, I'm excited. I'm very excited. And nervous." My rambling faded, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Asa stood in front of me, his mouth cracking into a smile as he laughed at my word vomit. "Oh, gotcha," he sighed, "I was a little worried – you know, that you already hated me."

I frowned slightly, but my shook my head quickly. "No," I promised. "But are you implying I will hate you?" I smiled teasingly, pushing myself out of the swivel chair.

"Ah, I'm not going to make any promises," he shrugged through a loud bit of laughter, holding up his hands. I found myself already adoring his British accent and mesmerizing eyes. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I was very excited when I found out that you're in the lead for this role." He extended a hand, which I took graciously, shaking it politely.

"Really?" I questioned, sort of surprised. Asa Butterfield knew who I was? "I mean, it's really nice to meet you, too."

"Yeah," he nodded with a small laugh, "I'm a fan. And it's nice to know that you are, too."

I laughed now, nodding. "I am, I am," I admitted. "I'm just nervous, you know?"

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Oh, yeah, yeah. But don't worry, Y/N, you've already got the part. It's just this chemistry test we've got to get through." He chuckled softly, running a hand through his messy black hair. "You've got this, trust me."

I could feel another blush creeping onto my cheeks. It was so easy to like Asa, and already in this little bit of time I felt more confident about our upcoming test. "Thank you," I smiled, "I think you'll make it quite easy."

I watched amused as hues of pink now brushed across Asa's cheeks. "I could say the same thing. Hey, I'm not usually this... forward... but it looks like we've got this, you know? Do you think I could, uh, get your number? For movie purposes?"

I raised my eyebrows as he slipped a phone out of his pocket, looking at me expectantly. I nodded eagerly, beaming at the boy in front of me. "Oh, yeah, of course." I quickly gave him my number, to which he sent a text to my phone so I'd have his number. I had Asa Butterfield's number in my phone.

"Great." He nodded, putting it back into his pocket.

"So," I sighed, twiddling my thumbs, "Just for movie purposes, huh?" I looked up at him, feeling confidence coursing through my veins.

Asa's mouth curled into a smirk, as he shrugged at me. "Would you like me to use it for something else?"

"Asa! Y/N!"

A rather upset sounding voice called us out of our little world, as we peered down the hallway. A short, frustrated looking lady was stomping towards us both.

"Whoops," Asa huffed, bringing a hand to the back of his neck.

"Asa, we told you to stay in the room and not go looking for Y/N," the lady barked, pressing her hands firmly to her hips. "We've been looking for you. It's time for both of you to come with me now, please." She glanced between us, one eyebrow raised suspiciously.

"Right," he nodded, "I'm sorry. I was just eager to meet Y/N."

"Yeah, well, what teenage boy wouldn't be?" She hummed, before offering me a small smile. She turned her back to us, starting down the hallway, with quick short steps.

I glanced up at Asa, as we smiled widely at each other. Asa got himself in trouble just to meet me? We both started laughing, before following the lady down the hallway and to the place where we'd have our chemistry test. Needless to say, our chemistry test would go perfectly.

• • • • •

author's note | i don't know why, but this gif of asa is one of my favorites. that's all. thanks for reading, everyone!

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