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I walked back to our tour bus after talking to Josh. I wanted to kill him. So badly. But I guess he can't help what he did in the past...even if it was hurting Chris. As I got to the bus I realised that I had forgotten my keys and the door locks itself. Shit. And almost as if on queue the heavens opened and rain poured down hard...I feel sorry for the kids who were going to be queueing up for the show. I banged on the bus door for about ten minutes before, finally, a very very sleepy looking Chris came to the door. She wiped the sleepy dust away from her eyes so that she could adjust properly. As soon as she realised how soaked and cold I was she gasped and opened the door as quickly as she could. I rushed inside and went straight towards the kitchen to make myself a hot chocolate. As I was getting my mug down I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Chris standing there with her notepad.

*I'll do it for you* she pointed at the writing and I chuckled

"No princess, don't worry! I can do it!" I said and went to go find the cocoa. I saw her shake her head from the corner of my eye and then felt her jump on my back. I wobbled for a second before steadying myself "Chris you're going to get your clothes wet! I'm soaked!" I felt her shrug and bury her head in my neck making my chuckle.

"I wanna make you hot chocolate" I felt her whisper weakly into my neck. I smiled widely and my stomach went fuzzy, it's the first time she's spoken in ages!

"Fine but we have to do it together!" she laughed and climbed off of my back. I picked her up and then placed her on my feet so that when I walked she would have to walk too. I then hooked my arms through hers so that I could use my hands instead of her using hers. We began walking around the kitchen getting all the stuff we needed to make the ultimate hot chocolates! We almost fell over several times and had already dropped a mug before we had even boiled the kettle.

"This is going terribly! We're going to have to sacrifice ourselves to the hot chocolate gods to make up for it" I said as Chris accidently spilt marshmallows everywhere (I say Chris but technically they were my hands so...

Chris spun around quickly and looked at me petrified before crumpling to her knees, raising her arms and grabbing for the sky "OH GOD NO! NOT THE HOT CHOCOLATE GODS!" she shouted over dramatically making me bend double with laughter. After a few minutes I lifted her back off of the floor and onto my feet again.

We were only just putting the cocoa into the mug when everyone came back into the bus including Jaime and Tony from PTV. The all stepped into the bus and stopped dead in their tracks to look at the sight in front of them. There was milk, water, cocoa, marshmallows, cookie crisp, cream and bits of mug everwhere. And in the middle of it all stood me and Chris, her standing on my feet and me pretending my arms were hers. Chris looked at them all and then grinned innocently.

"The fuck?" Vinny said in the middle of the silence. Ths caused everyone to start laughing at us while Chris and I continued to stand in the middle of the mess, both blushing uncontrolably.

"Seriously, what the hell happened? And Jack why the hell are you soaking wet?!" Rian asked when the laughter had died down. He was holding a coffee, no surprise there! Like, seriously, he has a problem...and where the hell does he get all this coffee?! I swear to god they just fall out of the sky and land in his hand...

My thoughts were cut off when Chris prodded me to explain the situation "Oh um...I went to find Josh but forgot my keys. Everyone had gone except Chris but she must have been asleep so I was standing outside banging on the doors for like ten minutes in like...thunderstorm weather. So FINAALLYYY Chris came to my rescue and I went to go make hot chocolate but then she wanted to do it for me but I wouldn't let her so we decided to try do it together and this just sort of...happened" I explained, rubbing the back of my neck while doing so. Jaime smiled excitedly

"Awwwwwww they were doing a coupley thing! There so cuuute!" he clapped and Chris looked down, blushing. "Guysss we need to let them get back to romaaaantic tiiime! Party on the PTV bus!" Jaime shouted the last bit, threw open the bus door and ran across the parking lot like a child who just saw and ice cream truck. Everyone followed him at a more human pace, Alex saluting me as he went out. Matt turned before leaving the bus

"I hate to ruin the moment guys but...clean this shit up please" he gestured to the mess and we nodded, he smiled, winked and sang "have fun! No sex on the bus!" just as he closed the bus door. Chris blushed even harder (I didn't even realise that shade of red was possible) and I spun her round to look into her eyes. I kissed her lips softly, putting my hands on her waist and the small of her back to bring her closer to me. As I pulled away I stopped to look into her eyes again

"I love you" I whispered softly

"I love you more"


Love Yourself So No One Has To (An All Time Low/Jack Barakat Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now