Chapter 9 - Desperate Measures

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*two days later

Ever since Marianas Trench got here Chris hasn't spoken a word to anyone. Even Vic and Jaime came over to try and cheer her up but all they got was a slight smile. She's spent the whole time drawing in her sketch book (which no one is allowed to look at) and watching reruns of Scrubs and Adventure Time. Alex said that Josh hadn't been acting himself either. Today I had decided I needed to ask someone about it and seeing as Chris wont let anyone near her at the moment I guess I have to talk to Josh.

I got out off our bus and ran across the parking lot in the rain and over to the Marianas Trench bus. I zipped up my jumper and put the hood up while I waited for one of them to come to the door. I looked up as Matt got to the door.

"Hey Jack! Wassup man?" he smiled at me and moved so that I could come in

"Hey Josh here?" I asked looking down their bus towards the living area

"Urm...I think he just went into the venue to check that everything was alright for when the kids get here...probably checking that none of security are dicks!" he laughed and began getting cereal out of the cupboard "Want any?" he gestured to the Lucky Charms in his hand and I shook my head

"No, I really gotta go find Josh but thanks dude!" I waved and then ran back outside and across to the venue doors. I flashed security my card and they let me in to go find Josh. I saw him walking into the Marianas Trench dressing room and ran to catch up with him

"Hey Josh!" he turned and smiled at me

"Jack right?" I nodded "cool, come in" he opened the mini fridge and chucked me a beer

"Thanks" I opened it and sat on the chair opposite Josh "So er...Alex said you wren't feeling yourself?" he paled slightly and looked at me

"Nah...I'm alright! Never really done a huge tour like this before so just nervous" he tried to cover up and took a sip of his water

"yeah...Chris hasn't been herself lately either" as I said this his face turned into one of guilt and he paled even more

"She's your guitar tech right?" he took another, longer sip of water

"Yep...have you met her before?" he shook his head a bit too quickly and I suddenly felt slightly angry " know I'm actually good at reading people right?" he looked up and sighed

"Yeah, I knew her when she lived in Canada"

"What happened?"

JOSH (most likely the only one in his POV)

"What happened?" Jack asked as he looked at me, slightly angrily. I really didn't want to tell him...I was ashamed


I watched as the new girl walk into class. All of the popular kids had already been spreading rumours and teasing her...unfortunitely I had just been accepted into their group. Apparently it was because I could get hold of drugs for them...great.

"Hello Miss. Cavalo...welcome to Spanish! I'm Senora Márquez and I'm going to be teaching you the next few years! Go sit next to Josh please" I sighed inwardly and looked at the girl walking towards me. She looked about the same age as me (16) and was actually really pretty...I guess that's why 'the populars' hate her. She pulled out the chair next to me and began writing her name on her book.

" kid" I poked her and she looked at me with amazingly bright blue eyes "You speak Spanish?"  she nodded and got a notebook out to write something down...weird

*My dads family is Spanish* I smiled

"You can do my work then" I pushed the sheet we were given over to her and she looked slightly upset "Well? Dont get caught!" she nodded quickly and went to do the work. I felt bad but the only way I was going to avoid going back to being bullied by 'the populars' was if I joined them

-a few months later-

"Fucking freak! Learn how to talk bitch!" I yelled as Christina walked past me and my 'firends' all laughed and fist pumped me. I still felt shit about doing it but I was popular...that's good right?

I walked away from the group and towards the area of school that no one goes to. As I got to the stairs I heard a sobbing.

"Hey...who's there?!" I shouted and it instantly stopped "Hey! I said who's there?!" I walked towards the stairs and saw a mess of dark hair resting on their knees "Y'alright?" I asked. As I got closer I saw that there was blood on the floor and on the figures arms "SHIT! Come with me!" I grabbed their arm and pulled them towards the guys bathroom "No one comes here anyways, we're good" I said as she hesitated by the door. She still had her hair covering her face completely so I had n clue who it was.

I cleaned her arms and bandaged them with tissue paper.

 "why?" I asked. She stayed silent for about two minutes and then finally whispered in a miniscule voice

"Desperate times call for desperate measures" I tried to process that...desperate measures...thats not a bad song name...right, off task! I looked back down at the make-do bandages.

"It's not exactly well done but it's okay" the figure nodded and I went to move the hair to see her face but she slapped my hand away "Shit! I just wanted to know who youare!" she shook her head wuickly and went to run out. I grabbed her hand and spun her to see two brilliant blue eyes staring up at me tearfully. I quickly dropped her hand "Christina...I..." she shook hr head again and ran off...well shit

*End Of Flashback*

"...even after that I still carried on bullying her...for about a year. Then she moved schools again and I never saw her again" I said after telling Jack the story and I looked up at him. He looked like he was about to kill me. "Look, I'm sorry! I had no idea what I was doing! I was going through shit myself and didn't stop to think about it! I've always hated myself for doing that to her..." Jack nodded and continued staring at me

"Thanks for telling the're a dick. A huge dick. Like you're such a big dick, even a whore couldn't handle you" that made me laugh " need to apologise to seriously. Otherwise I swear to god the wrath of Barakitty will be on you" he said as he left my dressing room and slammed the door behind him.

Well shit.


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