Chapter 7 - Shut up and kiss me now

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Alex had helped me organise everything ready for tonight. The bus now had white sheets covering the ceiling and walls with fairy lights all around,it looked so pretty and AWESOME! I have to admit it was mostly Alex's doing since he had a girlfriend and knew how to do romantic, me however, it was no secret that I had never had a relationship before...I was crap at romantic shit. Everyone else had agreed to leave the bus for the evening and I had even got Matts blessing to date a crew member! FUCK YEAH! All I had to do now was hope to god that she would say yes.

It was eight o'clock when I finally heard the bus door open...


I had just finished having burgers with the rest of the techs and talking to the photographer who would join the tour tomorrow, Adam Elmakias. I have to admit that I fangirled a bit when I met him...ok...A LOT! But c'mon! How often do you get to meet the photographer who takes pictures of all your favourite bands?! When I got up to leave everyone else had excuses as to why they weren't coming back to the bus, it was pretty weird to be honest but I shrugged it off.

As I got to the bus I noticed that intstead of the usual light coming out of the windows there was like a white glow instead...the hell? Maybe I was about to get abducted by aliens or something and everyone else knew about it and that was why no one else wnated to come back with me! Ok...I'm almost certain that isn't it...however I'll be pretty disappointed if it is anything but an alien species come to 'take me to their leader'...yeah, I'm weird. I got to the door of the bus and slowly opened it...nothing in the kitchen seemed out of the ordinary. I stepped in and closed the door, that was when I turned around to see the whole bus covered with white sheets and fairy lights!

"HOLY SHIIIIIT! IT'S SO PRETTY AND...AWESOME!" I squeeled whilst clapping my hands, I heard a soft chuckle from further in the bus and then saw a bright blue post-it note on the wall next to me

'I love the way your hair curls' it said in Jacks un neat handwrting...weird that was when I saw a long trail of them leading to the back lounge. There must have been 200 post-it notes each with something different written on them

'I love the way your eyes light up when you steal my cookie crisp'

'I love how you wrap your hands around mugs of hot chocolate when you're cold'

'I love how you don't care if the world sees you in pyjamas when you decide you wont get out of them'

'I love how cute you look when you turn the colour of a tomato if someone compliments you'

Each and every note had something cute or funny on them and I took my time to read every single one until I got to the last one which was on the door the the back lounge, I read it aloud

"Open the door" I did as it said and there stood Jack with a giant blue sign

'BUT MOST OF ALL, I LOVE YOU' As I read it I couldn't help but start tearing up. Jack's smirk turned worried

"I'm so sorry Chris, I should'nt have done this. You don't like me do you? Oh god I'm so dumb I thought maybe because y-"

"Jack, shut up and kiss me now" I said over him, he instantly ran over to me and cupped my face in his hands, crashing his lips onto mine. As stupidly cliche as it is, I swear to god there were fireworks. He ran his hands through my hair and licked my lips silently asking for entry into my mouth. I let him in and our tongues faught for dominance, him finally winning. We were making out for about five minutes before we heard the bus door open

"HOLY SHIT JACK WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE DAMN BUS?! WHAT THE HELL ARE ALL THESE BLUE POST-IT NO...AAAAWWWWWWWWWW JACKIE IS IN LOOOVVEEE! YO JAIME! LOOK WHAT JACKIE DID!" I heard a very familiar voice come from the front of the bus and I looked up at Jack who looked petrified

"Shitshitshitshitshit! They aren't supposed to be here until tomorrow! I'm never gonna hear the end of this! SHIT!" he kept mumbling to himself, it was actually extremely cute. The bus door opened again and there was an eruption of "AAAAAAWWWWW"'s coming from whoever had just come in.

"Jack...who is it?" I whispered...I don't want more new people learning about my muteness!

"Errr...the Pierce The Veil guys...they're not supposed to be here until tomorrow. Shit." he stood there with a worried expression, blushing while I was in my own little world fangirling over the fact that Pierce The Veil would be touring with us. I mean. HOLY SHIT! These guys were the reason I didn't kill myself when my brother killed himself...what if they think I'm weird? I was suddenly aware of Jack waving his hand in my face "Yo! Chris? Y'alright" he was smirking at me and I knew why, I had already told him of my love for Pierce The Veil...he knew I was fangirling. His smirk grew wider and so I started hitting him. He was on the floor, with me stradling him and smaking his arms whilst he laughed, when the Vic and Jaime walked into the room.

"Jack mate? Y'alright down there?" Vic asked while looking at me with an amused smile. I began to blush manically, partly because, c'mon, it's Vic and also because I was currently straddling Jack in the middle of the living area. I decided now was a good time to get off of Jack and stand up.

"I was being stradled by the girl of my dreams Vic, I couldn't be happier" he said with a wide smile as he got up. My heart did something strange and I began blushing even more.

"So, this is the lovely lady that Jack set all this up for I presume?" I nodded at Jaime "Well, I have to agree with Jack here, the colour you turn when you blush is very cute" I could literally feel my cheeks turning more and more red the more the conversation went on"

"Jaime, I love you man but back off, I only just got her" Jack said, only half joking

"Excuse be Baratwat but you haven't actually got me yet" I was surprised at the amount of confidence I felt, however these guys had already saved my life so I definitely trusted them with it. Jack looked a tiny bit hurt but then smiled widely

"Well, Christina Autumn Taylor Cavallo" he got down on one knee and at first I was freaking the fuck out. Then he brought out a necklace he had made out of cookie crisp and I laughed "Will you do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend?" I nodded

"Of course I will mr. Baratwat!" he got up and kissed my lips and I heard squeels and claps coming from Vic and Jaime, when I looked over they were hugging and jumping while wiping away fake tears

"Our little Jackie finally got himself a girlfriend!" they said in sync (which was slightly creepy)

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" We swung round to see the whole All Time Low and Pierce The Veil crew standing there with Alex at the front grinning and clapping to himself

"Eeeerrr...I asked Chris to be my girlfriend and she said yes" Jack said shyly, hugging me to his side while I turned probably a whole new shade of red no one knew existed. There were cheers from everyone and a few "Thank fuck"'s and "Finally"'s which I found quite funny.

"So Jack how did you finally decide to pop the question?" Alex asked

"It's not like he asked her to marry him Alex!" Rian laughed

" was kind of like that...the only difference was he used a necklace made of cookie crisp instead of a diamon ring" I said surprising myself a lot! I had spoken in front of everyone! Wow! Maybe Jack had finally done it...maybe he had broken me out of my shell...


Love Yourself So No One Has To (An All Time Low/Jack Barakat Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now