Chapter 2 - On the road

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The tour is going to be mental. It's only been a night and I already know this. There was NEVER a dull moment all night, either Alex and Jack were doing a duet on the kareoke machine, having a Mario Kart death match or attempting to do cartwheels down the middle of the bus (key word being 'attempting'). They hadn't even had alcohol yet...

Part way through the night I was somehow convinced to play 20 questions with Jack except I wasn't allowed to ask questions. Great.

"So Chris! Full name?"

*Christina Autumn Taylor Cavallo*

"That is a very long name" he chuckled I gave him a 'no shit' face and he laughed more "Next queston: where are you from"

*New York, born and raised! But I moved to Baltimore about a year ago*

"I knew it! ALEEEEEEX?!" He shouted over his shoulder

"Yes mate?" Alex poked his head into the bunk "She agreed to the threesome?" he asked with a serious face. I think they both saw how horrified I looked and started laughing hysterically. I slapped them both round the back of their heads "OW! Fine, that's a no! So, what did you want then?"

"You owe me 10 bucks" Jack held his hand out to Alex.

"YOU'RE A LESBIAN?!" Alex shouted. I shook my head violently and looked at Jack confused

"Another bet we made." Jack explained "But no, not that one Alex." Alex seemed to think for a while about which bet he was talking about. How many did they make?!

"You're from New York?" Alex asked. I nodded and smiled "Dammit! WHY, WHY ARE YOU FROM NEW YORK! ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE US BUT NOOO YOU ARE FROM NEW YORK AND LOSE ME TEN BUCKS!" He fake shouted. I grabbed my pen

*Sorry for the inconveniance of my origins, I wouldn't have been born if I thought it would lose you ten bucks! Buuuuut...I'm not a lesbian so technically no one owes anyone anything* I saw Alex scan what I was writing


*So Jack, how many other bets am I involved in?*

"Um...lets just say that if I won ALL of them Alex would owe me about" he counted on his fingers "three hundred dollars. But the most we bet on each one was ten so quiet a few bets..." He looked down at his hands slightly ashamed until I grabbed his chin and kissed his cheek. He looked really surprised and I blushed *Sorry, I don't talk so I communicate physically sometimes. That was my way of saying that it's fine...* He read it and his face fell slightly for a split second but then he beamed at me "Thank you for not hating me and Alex!" he hugged me and we went on our game of 20 questions. Some of the questions were weird like 'Threesome with Alex and myself or with a turtle and a lizard' I chose the turtle in lizard which made Matt laugh when he heard Jack shouting about it. I seemed to be being accepted into their group which pleased me more than anything, I had never been accepted into a group before for the obvious reason, I dont talk. I already felt myself starting to trust these guys after just a day, maybe in five months time I will be talking to them like I used to talk to my brother when I lived in New York. That would be amazing, I could have real friend instead of the people who were friends with me for my parents money.

Love Yourself So No One Has To (An All Time Low/Jack Barakat Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant