Day 5

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Nala's POV
Everyone has been up all night trying to plan how to stop the evil king. But he kidnaps so smooth and quiet. We couldn't make a decision.
"We need to move." Sun said flipping her hair to keep it out her face.
We traveled through plains trying to stay aware of our surroundings.
"Can I be honest for a second?"  I stopped and turned to everyone. "I hope it's me."
"Why?" Peezle laughed.
"Because I don't want it to be one of you dumbass. I mean, Sun is sweet, and you guys are annoying but I guess I'd give my life for you." I retorted continuing to follow our map.
"I don't want it to be you." Sun whined.
"I don't really care." Peezle added.
I shrugged and we all kept walking.  After a while we got to a little road and used our horses again.
"Well, that can't be good." Benjy sighed.
"When do we get a fucking break?" Sun growled.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
"Uh, guys , less complaining, more looking!" I said worryingly looking towards a large figure standing across the field. It had four eyes, but earholes like a lizard. It had a scale covered exoskeleton and very bloody  whiskers.
There was no where to hide. No place to go around, just a field. The grass wasn't tall at all and it was daytime. There was no hiding from what was about to come to us.
"Is there any type of plan for that?" Peezle asked sarcastically. (Of course).
"No, looks like we're going head to head. Sun, Nala, you stay to the back of whatever the fuck that is. It looks like it has an exoskeleton, so if you can,break it. There is no skeleton on the neck or the tail, so try to ride the tail to the neck."
"Gotcha." I replied.
"Look, you're being helpful for once, Chav!" Sun giggled changing to her wolf form.
"Benjy, use Peezles  air magic to get up to the head, wounding it's eyes and other main sources of it's eyes."
"Got it."
"And Peezle, see if you can find what makes it weak with your magic stuff. Use your magic near the torso area."
"Okay, okay, don't tell me what to do."
Everyone got in position. Sun and I sneaking around the monster to our positions.
Benjy began to mouth 'On three'.
Everyone struck at once surprising the monster but we barely wounded it.
"Sun stay down here I'm going for the neck!" I yelled climbing on the creature's tail. The tail raised, but it brought me to one of his eyes.
I froze. I felt myself getting dizzy and confused.

Benjy's POV
"Guys hold your fire!" Chavo yelled and pointed up.
Nala was staring between the monsters four eyes as a purple oval was opening inside of them.
"Why are we stopping!?" I yelled back.
"Do you want her to fall!?"
"No, but this is getting creepy!" I protested.
Nala began stepping toward the oval.
"Nala what the fuck!?" Sun barked.
Nala waved as she fell backwards into the oval.
The portal closed and the giant beast began to melt into a black substance.
"Did she just walk into..." Chavo said wide eyed.
"Did anyone else notice she was smiling. That wasn't her. She waved at us." I pointed out.
Sun began to pout and whine. She hung her wolf head low.
"It's okay Sun we'll find her, your brother, and whoever else Zelcunt is keeping." Chavo comforted Sun petting her back.

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