Day 1, We almost died already.

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Nala's POV

It seemed the farther we went the less tedious the trip was becoming, but the higher the temperature raised. Sun and I had already changed into shorts and tank tops while the boys shirts were off. We could barely function.  The heat of the day didn't stop at night, but the night did make it humid and hard to breathe at times.
"Can we rest now!?" Peezle complained.
"If you wanna die in your sleep by a demon attack, sure!" Sun replied sarcastically.
We've been walking for hours and it's not exactly safe to stop, but how long can we continue to walk without a break?
"Maybe Peezle is right, I mean just a little break couldn't hurt. Come on, we can camp and actually do something fun."
"No one wants to play a dumb sleepover game, we are trying to save Under and Taco!" Chavo raised his voice in intimidation.
"Fine, we won't see who can find, hunt, and kill the most demons in 30 minutes because it's a 'dumb sleepover game'." I mocked.
"...Okay it's not that dumb."
We all went to a kind of safe looking place. It was probably the best place to be right now, but it's not perfect.
"Okay, if while you guys go get yourselves killed, I'm gonna stay here and watch the camp and our belongings!!"
"Benjy, to be honest, no one cares. Just don't die, okay?"
Benjy rolled his eyes and started setting up camp. (Because Benjy is the mom of the group, duh...sorry Benjy if you FINALLY read this.)
"Okay! Teams?" I offered.
"Hell yeah Chavo and I against you and Sun. That way it'll be easy for the professional demon hunters to win."
"We'll see about that." Sun growled.
Everyone gathered weapons, compasses, whatever they thought they might need for demon hunting.
"You guys ready to lose?" I teased.
"You girls ready to lose?" Chavo mocked.
"Okay! Benjy, tell us when to go! Give us a countdown." Sun said turning into her wolf form.
"Don't you wanna call your dad first... Ya know, let him know you're okay before you die?"
"Oh, right, good idea."
I grabbed the shiny green stone from the chain on my neck and whispered a quick message. Not too much later the stone whispered back, "You are so grounded when you get home."
"Okay, now Benjy, give us a countdown!"
"Okay... 3, 2, 1, GO!" The teams split up into the night. The guys team taking more of a tropical route while my team took the desert route.

About one mile out Sun and I spotted our first target, while sun stayed closer scratching and biting, I shot with my crossbow.
Dead in 30 seconds.
Next target 40 seconds.
Next target 2 minutes.
Next target 20 seconds.
Next target 6 minutes.
And so on.
28 minutes had passed and we were on our my back to camp with 81 targets. Not too bad.
Thump thump thump.
"What the hell was that!?" I whisper yelled running to hide behind a rock.
Sun growled lowly and got into a pounce position.
A beast, larger than deadeye himself (Final Fantasy XV reference), came from around a corner of mountains of sand.
"Oh, shit. We gotta get outta here."
Sun nodded.
We slowly began to walk away... But then the creatures head slowly began to turn towards us.
"Sun... Run!"
The creatures fists came down and pounded on the ground, tossing sand towards us.
My heart was racing and my feet were going as fast as I could make them.
Sun and I stopped hearing noises after 45 minutes of running, but we kept going out of fear of not losing the monster.
That is until I ran into something and fell backwards.
"Where the hell have you guys been!?" Peezle yelled. (Whaaaat Peezle isn't being sarcastic for once?!?)
"Oh yeah we're fine, we definitely didn't almost die that's for sure! Thanks for asking!" Sun yelled from behind a rock so she could return to human form.
"Well, we were worried half to death!" Benjy argued. "You were supposed to be at camp 43 minutes ago!!"
"I'm just gonna repeated what Sun said, we almost died!... But we killed 81 demons."
"We killed 127." Chavo laughed.
"We tried, fuck you!"
"No thanks."
I frowned and mounted my horse. "Who wants to lead my horse while I take a nap?"
"Just attach him to mine," Peezle offered, "I'm only being nice because you almost died. This won't last forever."
"That's what I figured, but thanks Peez."
"It's whatever."
I attached my horses rope to Peezle's horse. "What if you fall off, I don't think that's a good idea." Chavo pointed out.
"I don't care, I'm tired and I want sleep."
"You always find a way to hurt yourself, don't you?"
I shrugged and continued to climb on my horse (which was insanely taller than me), until I was pulled off and carried instead.
"It's safer."

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