Day 2. Damn, I hate you.

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Peezle's POV
In case you haven't noticed by now, I'm not the serious type. Why take anything seriously? It just fucks up in the end. So I don't take anything serious, sarcasm is my middle name.  No one understands why and that's just the way I like it. Technically with people, but still alone in my mind. And that's just the way I like it.
"Peezle! Snap out of it! Come look!" Nala squealed clearly happy about something.
I went through the woods which is where we had stopped since last night.
"Woah." I whispered aloud, once stopping to see a waterhole with all kinds of flowers and plants. A small waterfall flowing. It was a pretty okay spot!
"We found fresh water! " Benjy screamed.
"Well, what are we standing around for?" I said taking off my shirt and jumping in. The cold water hit my skin like a truck, but it was refreshing.
Well at least it was until I felt a rush of water hit my face.
"What the fuck Chavo!?"
"Gotcha!" Chavo laughed.
All of a sudden everyone was splashing and screaming. I'll admit it was an okay time.
"You guys are annoying." I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, you like it." Sun giggled.
"Yeah, don't deny it." Benjy agreed.
"Guys, look, there's a cave behind the waterfall, we should go in it." Nala admired the cave.
"Hell no, we don't need you almost dying again." I scoffed.
"That was a one time thing! Damn, let it go."
"I say we check it out." Sun said getting out the water.
"I'm down for a little cave adventure." Chavo agreed.
"Do we really have time for this though?" Benjy asked.
"Who cares, we'll be in and out in under an hour." I shrugged.
We entered the cave, Sun and Nala using her stone for light as I used magic for a small hand fire.
We traveled deep into the cave until seeing a hint a light near the end.
The blueish hue glowed more as we continued into the cave until we reached the origin.
A sorcery field.
Fire stones, electricity stones, water, air, mana, agility, you name it. All of the glowing stones waiting for a sorcerer/ sorceress to suck up it's power.
"Damn, " everyone turned to me waiting for a stupid response.. But I couldn't lie, "it's beautiful."
"What, something is beautiful to you?" Benjy stood wide eyed.
"It makes sense, he's a sorcerer." Chavo whispered.
"There are so many elements! Do you think I can handle them all at once? I haven't retrieved extra element energy in so long..."
"Well, it's all here for you." Nala smiled.

I stepped closer to the stones. I placed my fingertips on the water stone. Feeling a cold rush through my body, the blue hue surrounding me. I forgot what it felt like, it was like my roots and memories all coming back to me at once.
I removed my fingertips from water stone and moved to the fire stone.
Absorbing energy is like feeling an element rush through your body, but to a minimal level. You feel it strongly, yet barely feel it at all. 
I finished gaining the energy from the last stone. I had never felt so many elements at once.
"Hey Peezle, ya done yet?" Benjy asked.
"Yeah, I'm finished." I clenched and unclenched my fists a couple of times. My veins were now red, blue, purple, white, and other extravagant colors.
"Peezle, that's cool!" Sun admired.
"I know." I smirked.
On our way back to our horses, I began to fiddle with my new found power. Making tiny thunderstorms, fires, tornadoes, and tsunamis in my hands. These things represented what happens in my head. What people don't see. The constant storm of unsure whispers that I wouldn't dare tell anyone about. My insecurities and thoughts are nonexistent to the outside world. But that's just the way I like it.
Sarcasm is my middle name.

Potato's POV

Sometimes I worry that my daughter won't come home. She's strong, but I always know when she's In trouble. When her heart rate increases, my stone glows. My stone has glowed 46 times since she left with those demon hunters. 
"What the..."

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