Day 3

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Chavo's POV
So, you may be wondering why Peezle is a sorcerer and I'm human. Well, technically, we're both hybrids, but Peezle got the heterozygous trait of Dads powers while I of course got the homozygous trait for no powers. 
But I do fine with swords and katanas and he does okay with sorcery.

Potato's POV
"King Zelcan? No."
"I haven't seen him in years...since..."
"Since what?" A curious TNT tilted his head.
"Never mind. We have to go after her."
" you have a death wish, Mr.Tato?"
"No, well, yes. But my daughter does too. She's not allowed to die."

Nala's POV

I shuffled through the sand. The hot sun hitting and stinging my face. Not even the water in the canteen was cold anymore.
"I'm dying of hunger." I complained.
"You look alive to me." Peezle responded.
I rolled my eyes and kept shuffling.
"Why don't you get on your horse?"
"Stormy is tired too, giving her a break."
I looked ahead and saw a bit of green.
"Tell me I'm not going crazy and you guys see what I see! " Sun cheered.
"Is that a tree? Are we close? Please say we're close!" I panted.
"One more mile." Benjy sighed.
Sun and I laughed and cheered for the fact that soon we'll be out of the desert.
"Fucking finally! We've been walking forever!" Chavo laughed.


After about 15 minutes, we crossed from desert to grass. I collapsed onto the cool grass and deeply sighed.
"I missed you, grass." I said dramatically.
"You like that grass more than you like us!" Benjy laughed.
"Damn right I do."
I got off the ground and stretched. Where to next?
"There's a village not too far from here, how does a hotel sound?" Benjy suggested.
We all gave a form of agreement, then continued to the village.
"Sounds like a good way to celebrate Chavos birthday." Peezle smirked.
"Peezle! You weren't supposed to say anything!"
"Haha, whoops."
"Wait, it's your birthday? Happy birthday!" I squealed.
"Yeah! We gotta celebrate!" Sun suggested happily.

I woke up and stretched.
It's my birthday! I'm nine! One more year until double digits.
I got up and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I put on my favorite blue
T-shirt with a black game cube on it and loose black sweatpants. I ran back to the room that belonged to Peezle and I.
"Peezle! Peezle wake up!" Peezle is already eleven. I can't wait I can be in double digits like him!
"What do you want?" Peezle rubbed his eyes.
"It's my birthday!"
"Oh yeah. I got you something. Don't tell dad, okay?"
I nodded and Peezle gave me a box.
I took off the lid, and inside was a little bottle on a chain with something in it.
It was blue,black, red, pink,  green, purple, it was everything!
"What is it, Peez?"
"Magic. You dip your finger in it right before bed, and you can dream about whatever you want. No more nightmares." Peezle smiled. This made me happy, Peezle doesn't smile that often.
"Thanks Peezle!"
"When you put it on, keep the bottle under your shirt. So Dad won't see. Okay?"
I tucked the bottle under my shirt and made my way downstairs.
I saw a boy, even younger than me. Being held. I waited until they escorted the boy before I continued downstairs.
"Hi dad!"
"What do you want?"
I paused for a second.
"It's... It's my birthday."
I stood and looked at my feet holding back tears.
"N-nothing. I'm sorry for bothering you."
"You're just like your mother. You're a fucking pest. No magic having bastard..out of my sight."
I shuffled to the kitchen to make my own breakfast. I poured some cereal and sat down.
"Peezle!" I heard my dad cheer from afar. "Good morning son! How are you?"
"Good. It's Chavos birthday."
"Ugh, son,who cares? He's below us. And one day, you will kill him." Dad said laughing.
"Whatever. I'm never going to murder for you, and I ain't sorry for that either." Peezle said going back upstairs. Probably to shower.
I looked at my amazing birthday breakfast. My favorite cereal.
"If Mom were here," I whispered to myself, "she'd sing happy birthday to me.  I'm like her...might as well." I started to sing softly to myself.

About fifteen minutes later, Peezle ran up to me.
"Did you see the boy dad took the dungeon!? He wants to kill him! I hate him."
"We have to help him. Peezle I don't want to stay here Dad hates me... I heard what he said. Would you..kill me?"
Peezle frowned and grabbed my hand.
"We're getting that kid and getting out of here. I'd never kill you. I love you, we're leaving. I'll go in dad's wallet...I already packed for this. You go do the same."

Chavos POV (present)

Everyone cheered and drank and was merry. It warmed me and hurt me at the same time. At times like this, I almost forget how sarcastic and assholeish Peezle is.
"Hey, Chav!" Sun squealed.
"Look over there."
Sun pointed to the counter where Nala was standing singing happy birthday.
I brought my hand to the little bottle dangling from the chain on my neck.
So this is what it's like.

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