Amari Issues

537 12 5


Watchpoint Gibraltar, earlier in the morning

She couldn't believe they were doing this. It felt like a dream. As Angela looked into those soulful brown eyes, so dark and beautiful, she could feel her own blue ones floating like stars in an endless night. Fareeha's lips were soft and smooth as was the expanse of chocolate colored skin, touched by the Egyptian sun. Her body was a perfect landscape of hills and valleys where muscles, honed from rigorous training and exercise, flowed into satiny lines, long limbs, and curves that were all feminine.

Fareeha thought the same of the Swiss angel in her arms. Angela's hair was like a golden halo when it was worn down and fell over her slender shoulders and back. Her milky skin was like the finest porcelain and smooth as if she were carved of marble. Angela also made the most wondrous sounds when Fareeha kissed her neck. Her chest rose and fell as Fareeha's warm lips trailed down her chest and the flat planes of her tummy, the golden beads in her ebony hair leaving cooling touches in her wake.

They had spent the night together. It was the first time they had and it was special. Neither had any idea that they could feel this way with another woman. No other woman meant so much to them. They had woken up in each other's arms and there was nothing but bliss, free and pure, opening their eyes to see the beauty of each other, warm and entangled, beneath cool sheets.

Their good morning kisses turned hungry as they touched with mumbled sounds of endearment as words became too much to process in light of the emotions and passion they both felt this morning. It had taken years to understand and such an agonizingly long time to realize that this was what they had wanted. As lips touched and tongues caressed soft various parts of their anatomy, Angela and Fareeha gave themselves to their lover like gifts presented before a goddess. And that's how they felt, like an angel and a goddess. No one knowing of the secret dance they shared that started several days before when confessions and a first kiss were shared in the medical bay. Only Athena had witnessed it, and she was not telling.

As Fareeha moved over Angela, sliding her smooth thigh deliciously between Angela's legs while lining up her own wanting sex to Angela's trembling limbs, a gasp was heard. At first, the women thought it came from one another, but when their eyes locked in question, they suddenly realized the sound had not come from their lover's lips. Slowly, Fareeha turned her head towards the door and Angela looked up from her prone position to discover, to their shared horror, they not only had forgotten to lock the door when they started this rendezvous, but Ana Amari had come by and discovered more than the door to her daughter's room unlocked.

No one moved for several moments as Ana's eyes widened almost comically and Angela and Fareeha froze. The heat of passion melted into cold terror as Ana slowly lifted a trembling hand to her astonished mouth as she backed away slowly and closed the door behind her retreat.

Fareeha looked at Angela whose eyes were nearly as wide, wondering beyond any rationality if the doctor had seen what she had seen or if it was some sort of illusion. Those frightened illogical fantasies shattered as Angela cursed under her breath.

"We..." Fareeha started. "We should ... oh my God, Angela ... she..."

As one, they scrambled up from the bed, trying to find any clothing they could throw on in a hurry to go after a very distraught mother while also holding onto what decency they still had left.

"Scheisse, scheisse, scheisse!" Angela kept muttering as she pulled a tank top from the floor and started to put it on before she realized it was Fareeha's.

Thinking time was of the essence, Fareeha grabbed her night robe and handed Angela the bathrobe. Screw modesty, it was early morning and if anyone had a problem, they could worry about it later. After putting on some panties – they really didn't stop to think whose were whose as they thrust their legs into them and pulled them over to cover what they could – they donned the robes and ran out into the hall, looking frantically for the shocked, and possibly horrified, Ana Amari.

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