Love and Discovery

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Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Current Overwatch HQ

After the initiation, the attending members sat down with Widowmaker as she recalled many things that came to mind. Her memories were indeed scattered and she was unable to recall many things altogether. One thing she asked about had a couple of them somber.

"I don't really remember his face," she was saying. "I recall his voice at times. The sound of it, the way he called me 'mon amour'. I recall how he touched me and, even once, I recall he kissed me."

"So, you can't really remember Gérard?" Torbjörn asked. The others sat stunned.

"I know I assassinated him," she replied quietly, "but it's like everything else was a dream. Fragments and wisps of sensations and feelings that have been suppressed.

"I can recall little details," she said closing her eyes. "He had black hair, he was only slightly taller than I am, I remember being able to look him in the eyes but cannot recall when I looked into his eyes. He had, I think, a thin mustache," she touched her lips, "I remember it tickled a bit when he would kiss me."

"Athena," Winston said gently and it broke Widowmaker's revere. "Could you bring up a picture of Gérard Lacroix? Something from Overwatch Archives."

The screen flickered with several archived pictures until one appeared, large and clear. It showed two men, arms around shoulders, with smiles and cigars. There were other figures in the background nearby, but the focus was on these two who looked to be celebrating a victory of some sort. One man, Amélie recognized as a younger Jack Morrison. Although his hair was salt and pepper, his face was the same and his eyes were warm and full of joy. The other man was tall and handsome with broad shoulders and dark hair that was oiled and parted at one side. A thin mustache sketched his upper lip that was upturned on one corner as he smiled at the camera.

Widowmaker looked at the picture, at the man in that picture, and tried to recall anything about him. She concentrated and studied him. After a few moments, she felt Lena touch her arm. It was a reminder that she had someone with her, someone who was trying to understand. She felt the others as well and it gave her confidence.

"Do you remember anything about him or this picture, love?" Lena asked softly.

A few bits of dialogue passed by Amélie like ghosts. She recalled this day only vaguely. Visions and faces, they came and went. The smell of the cigars, the boisterous male laughter, and names and voices blended into one another in a beautiful but chaotic cacophony.

"I remember someone saying 'That should keep them out of our hair for a while' and cigar smoke," she replied. "Normally, I found cigars to smell, I think, but these were pleasant and somewhat... spicy? I can recall someone saying 'if you stop enough of the little things, then they can't turn into big things'."

"I said that," Jack said moving closer and looking at the picture along with her. "Gérard had just helped us mastermind a plan to take out supply bases Talon was using to keep nests of troops all over areas in the middle east. Once he had figured out how they were setting up those supply bases, Overwatch's Blackwatch teams were able to infiltrate and take those supply stations out, making it impossible for Talon to set up major operations in those areas without food, medical supplies, or ammunition."

"I see," Widowmaker said as she studied the other man. So this was Gérard Lacroix. This had been her husband. Talon had erased him from her memories and thought that she wouldn't remember him as anything but a mark. They were wrong. Her memories of him were returning.

Jack reached over past Amélie's shoulder but the woman didn't flinch. He pushed some buttons and moved the picture over to the left where Gérard was standing and enlarged the picture a bit. It was a little pixelated, but a tall woman was seen standing near Gérard holding a wine glass. She stood next to a younger blonde, which Widowmaker recognized as a younger Angela after squinting.

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