Love and Lost and Love Again

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The Talk

A Widowtracer Overwatch story by Asylumchild

Overwatch and all characters within are trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment. This is a work of fan fiction and is intended for entertainment purposes only. No copyright violations are intentional. All people, places, and situations are completely fictional and no relation to anyone real living or deceased.

The world could use more heroes, but sometimes, being a hero has a high price to pay to save the day. The unsung heroes of Overwatch have fought many wars, seen defeat, seen battle and death, and experienced things that put their minds, bodies, and hearts to the limits. Sometimes, one has to wonder if it is all worth it in the end.


Lena and Emily's flat, London, England.

It was getting late. She hadn't made it home in time for supper and Emily wondered if it was to be another night of waiting while it got cold. After a few hours, she ate a portion of her own and, with still no Lena in sight, packed up the remaining dishes to put in the ice box for leftovers. She could always reheat it later if she got hungry. If she ever got home, that is.

As she packed away the lukewarm food, Emily began to worry. It seemed it was like this more often than not lately. She knew Lena Oxton was also the infamous Tracer of Overwatch. She also knew that Overwatch was disbanded and any of their acts, no matter how heroic in nature, were deemed illegal. She accepted that her girlfriend and live-in lover was a vigilante. She wondered what the perky girl had gotten herself into this time.

As she made her way to the sofa cradling a hot cup of cocoa (something she wanted to share with Lena who was MIA), her eyes fell to the cellphone sitting on the coffee table silent and forlorn. Emily could relate. It wasn't like she could call her and see if she was going to make it home anytime soon. She could be out doing God-knows-what God-knows-where and would probably not be in a good position to receive a call or a text.

Emily sighed as she sat down and thought about what Lena would say if she did answer. Probably something like "Sorry, Love, I'm kinda ... in a gun fight right now. Be home soon I hope." Then there would be an explosion or some other crazy thing and she'd say "um, Emily, let me call you back ... I love you."

Emily shook her head as the crazy thought came and went. Like that would happen. Her mind whirled with all sorts of possibilities, some more unpleasant than others. What if there was an explosion and she was in the middle of it. What if she were out fighting someone like that Widowmaker person she was always talking about and the assassin had hurt her. What if she were dead. Emily felt herself grow cold at that last thought. The creeping feeling up her spine made her physically shiver and the cocoa felt really hot in her hands as her skin turned clammy.

No, Emily, told herself, you are worrying over nothing. Lena is a capable pilot and soldier and, as Tracer, she is renowned for her skills in battle. You are overthinking this.

But the feelings didn't go away. She sat down the mug of cocoa, not enjoying the chocolaty goodness against the lump in her throat and the sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. She looked at the phone, still dead and silent, and wondered if her lover were somewhere in the same way. Something wet dripped onto her hand, startling her from her morbid thoughts. It took her a moment to realize it was tears she didn't even know she was crying.

She wiped her eyes but it did no good. She cried freely now, squeezing her eyes shut and praying that Lena was safe. Praying with all her heart that Lena was coming home, safe and sound. The last time she had gone off, she had just gone to hear a speech from Tekhartha Mondatta and ended up disappearing for two days. She had run across Widowmaker who almost killed her and broke her coronal accelerator. That scared Emily the most. Not only could Lena have died, but being lost to time and space seemed like a more horrible fate than death. The tears came harder then as well as deep sobs.

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