Chapter 33- Weirdos

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H2O helps me think. Jk idk.

'Ring ring'

Your phone began to ring just as you were about to leave the room. You walked over to your phone and saw that Tamaki was calling you.

"Who's that (Y/N)?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked in unison.

"Tamaki..." you said.

"Don't answer it!!" the twins yelled.

You answered the phone. Hikaru shot a look at you but you stuck your tongue out at him, teasingly.

"Hello princess!!!!!" Tamaki yelled through the phone, loud enough for Hikaru and Kaoru to hear, they both looked at you angrily.

"Oh hi Tamaki.." you said.

"Would you and Hikaru and Kaoru mind if the Host Club came over?? I've tried calling Hikaru and Kaoru but they never answered," Tamaki said excitedly.

"Oh-uh... sure?" You asked confused.

"Perfect! See you later!" Tamaki hung up.

You looked at the twins nervously and smiled.

"Really?" They asked in unison.

"Sorry..." you looked at the ground.

"It's okay," Hikaru and Kaoru said, grabbing your hands, "we better make eggs quick then," they winked.


You had your eggs, they were delicious. Just as you finished you heard the door bell ring. The Host Club was here!!!

You opened the door, nervously looking at the twins, who looked bored.


"Yup... thanks..." you tried to say, but Tamaki was hugging all the air out of you.

"(Y/N)!!! Tama-Chan said he wants to play truth or dare!!!" Honey said excitedly.

"Oh... okay!!" Tamaki let go of you.

Hikaru and Kaoru led everyone upstairs and into their room. You all sat down in a circle on he floor.

"Tamaki you start!" Honey said excitedly.

"Hikaru! Kaoru! Truth or dare?" Tamaki asked.

"Truth," the twins said in unison.

"Why are you so jealous when I'm around (Y/N)?" Tamaki asked proudly.

"BECAUSE SHE'S OUR GIRLFRIEND!!!" The twins yelled.

Tamaki hid in his emo corner.

"Kyoya truth or dare!!!" The twins asked.

"Dare," Kyoya responded.

"We have dare you to try and cheer up Tamaki!"

Kyoya sighed and walked by Tamaki.

"Daddy," Kyoya winced.

"Yes," Tamaki looked up at Kyoya with puppy dog eyes.

Kyoya sighed, "cheer up," Kyoya put on a fake smile.

"O-okay..?" Tamaki said and joined he circle again.

"Haruhi truth or dare," Kyoya asked.

"Truth," Haruhi said.

"Would you rather kiss Tamaki or (Y/N)," Kyoya smirked.

Haruhi blushed, "Tamaki..."

Tamaki's face lit up and he jumped onto Haruhi hugging her tightly.

"DADDY IS SO PROUD!!!" Tamaki cried.

"SENPAI!!" Haruhi yelled.

Tamaki sat back in his normal spot.

"Honey truth or dare!!" Haruhi asked.

"Truth!!" Honey said excitedly.

"Would you rather go without cake for a whole day or without Mori for a whole day?" Haruhi asked.

"Cake ;-;" Honey said sadly.

You looked at Honey sadly, 'awww so cute~~' you thought.

"(Y/N)-Chan!!! Truth or dare!!" Honey said excitedly.

"Dare," you said, a hint of confidence in your voice.

"I dare you.. to... uhhh," Honey looked at Kyoya confused, who whispered something to Honey.

"I dare you to kiss Tamaki!!!" Honey happily said.

Tamaki blushed and you gaped at Kyoya.

You then looked at Hikaru and Kaoru, who looked angry.

"Go on!!!" Tamaki blushed.

You blushed and leaned in close to Tamaki.....

Hikaru immediately pulled you away.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, it's just a little peck on the cheek--"

"KYOYA HOW COULD YOU!!" The twins yelled.

Kyoya didn't seem to care.

"Let go.." you said to Hikaru, who slowly let go. You quickly kissed Tamaki on the cheek and then covered your face in your hands, and both the twins wrapped their arms around you.

"That wasn't so hard," Tamaki said.

You saw Hikaru and Kaoru glare at him.


The Host Club left. You sat in bed with Hikaru and Kaoru. Hikaru kissed you all over and Kaoru played with your hair.

"Chill out," you said, "it was only a little kiss on the cheek."

"But you're OUR girlfriend," Kaoru said, "it hurt us to watch it..."

You leaned up and kissed both of the twins.

"There," you said happily.

The twins both smiled and laid down in bed with you, until you all fell asleep.




Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now