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'Where are they ?' I asked Cain and few pack members who were there in the hall 

'What did they do again?' Cain asked

' They woke me up by splashing cold water!Those little brats ' I said to Cain
'Um....they went out to the forest Ry ' Cain said out loud while twisting his head towards the curtain
I smirked and went towards the curtain and said 'Boo' . The twins started screaming like girls Oh god it was a sight to see !

After my revenge I went to my room to get ready, eventually Cain had called for a meeting . Now let me tell you what happened in those two years, Cain and the twins helped me become stronger , Cain thought me boxing and the twins helped in my balance and increasing stamina.The twins and I bonded more and we became the pranksters of our pack. I still remember how their parents reacted to having me as their daughter, they were so happy and mom i.e Priya hugged me tightly and dad i.e John welcomed me with open arms. I am happy I found a family who wants me for me. I guess mom and dad are watching me from heaven and they decided to send me a second family who will love me. Sophie my Luna and my best friend bonded the first week when I arrived to the packhouse, she was the first person whom I told about my past and after that I told my brothers i.e the twins and Cain my Alpha. After hearing my past and being their family they grew very protective. I have flat stomach, long black hair with blood red streaks and tan skin , all in all I look H-O-T .

After getting ready I went to the meeting room, once I reached I saw Cain and the twins were already there so I took my seat which was between the twins.
'Silence , As all of you know ,the rouges have attacked another pack and the alpha of the pack as requested us to train their pack since our pack is the strongest but all of you wont be coming. I will be taking few people along with me and while I am gone Austin will be in charge . Riley, Karthick, Kishore, Sophie and I will be going ' Cain said
' which pack are we going to train ?' I asked Cain
' umm.. You see...' Cain hesitantly replied 'Blue Moon Pack .... I am so sorry Ry I know they abused you but please come with us. Me, Sophie and the twins are going with you, we won't let them touch you sweetie '
'Fine I will go I guess now I can take my revenge ' I said while giving a evil look

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